Accessing Your Higher Guidance With Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression would probably be better understood if we changed the name to “Higher Self Therapy” because as you go within, the process consistently gives you precisely what you need to help you move forward in the way that you most need, especially if you ask for it. The following case study is a perfect example of how past life regression can work. The name of my client is changed.
Mary, a woman nearing 60, had tears in her eyes as we talked about the passing of her mother just prior to her past life regression. “I just need to know if my mom really loved me,” she cried. Although she may have intellectually understood that her mother probably loved her, there were no words that could reassure her at a deeper level because her subconscious mind didn’t fully believe it because of a hurtful growing up experience of feeling rejected and neglected. Fortunately, past life regression connects a person to their higher self, and this part of her knew exactly what she needed in the session.
Mary saw a past life of a happily married, wealthy woman with several children. “Home feels good…there’s nothing to want for.” But a few years later, her 9-year old daughter suddenly died. She was too grief-stricken to nurture her other children. “It feels like part of me is gone…the other children need me but I can’t be there all the way. I never got over the loss of my daughter.” In the soul realm after the past life was over, she said, “I couldn’t give my children what they needed…the love was there but couldn’t be expressed.” Then the insight began to sink in that Mary’s mother in this life was carrying so much pain from her own past that she couldn’t express the love for her children that had always been there underneath the many stressors of her life.
A week after the session Mary wrote, “It’s the most unusual thing, as a result of my past life regression, I know my mother loves me. It always felt that she didn’t love me because I thought she saw something in me that was not lovable, not worthy of love…I was given a gift from my higher self. It’s a gift of knowing I was loved by my mom. Up until now, I was unable to “know” this deep down. Knowing is the only word I can think of to use, yet it doesn’t feel like the same knowing as in everyday terms. I am so grateful. This is a gift more valuable than any gift.”
Past life regression is an effective means to help you understand and know at a deep core level the truth of your value and worth, as well as helping you to become more acutely aware of the love within a family that is always there beneath the hurts and misunderstandings. This is because the process bypasses the intellectual mind and trumps the subconscious mind’s beliefs of unworthiness which are based in life’s hurtful experiences. The process connects you to a higher soul dimension of yourself that not only is based in love, but can also see through the subconscious mind’s programming and conditioning from the earth life. You begin to understand and experience your wholeness and completeness beneath the ego mind’s negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs that arise as the result of early challenging circumstances in earth life.
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