Healing Intense Fear and Abandonment

Case 11: Healing Intense Fear and Abandonment

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Carl Jung said, “Healing is about becoming conscious of that which is unconscious.” As we see through our limiting blocks, we become freer. One way to help us awaken is to place full focus and attention on whatever holds us back.

Client Background

Mike (name changed for confidentiality) came in with a “gripping, intense fear of rejection and abandonment” that was dampening the potential of his current relationship, causing misunderstandings, as well as social anxiety. Most intense, negative feelings are the result of old, stuck emotional energy in the body that gets replayed in different circumstances with other people throughout our lives. So, during his session, we allowed these specific fears to show him when they first occurred.

Client Experience

The fears brought us to a scene of Mike as a 5-year old boy in this present life, a common starting age for most issues. His mom and dad played an innocent trick. They pretended to leave the house and go on a family outing while Mike was sitting in a chair backwards with his legs caught in the wooden slats of the chair. While the adult mind can laugh it off in retrospect, the 5-year old child’s brain is not developed enough to process intense emotions, and so he could only feel the panic and fear from the abandonment of his caregivers.

Since this small child was unable to adequately express, articulate, or discharge these emotions from the body, these feelings became stuck energy in his chest and stomach area. Then, through the Law of Attraction (like vibration attracts like vibration), the vibration from this fear-based energy formed repetitive patterns with similar emotions which replayed in various times throughout this life for the next 40+ years.

An unconscious part of us finds and attracts circumstances and people into our lives that replay these stuck emotions in the body, which often relate to one of our soul lessons. However, once the origin of this fear is discovered, the mind can process the information and then release the negative energy from the body, replacing it with one’s own source energy or potential. This healing process lightened Mike’s vibration and heightened his perspective. Then, as he began processing and releasing the stored energy of past trauma, his consciousness spontaneously showed him a different lifetime.

In this one, he had died in a car accident at night, alone on a dark road at the age of 20. This past life death scene related to a lingering sense in this life of being alone and lost, as well as a feeling of impending doom that surfaced within his consciousness every time he drove across the state late at night to visit his parents. It also explained why he had the persistent thought in high school, “I just want to live past 20.” As the origin of these thoughts and feelings entered his awareness, they could be energetically released, which also freed him of perplexing physical ailments on the right side of his body. Once we uncovered the first layer of fears from his childhood, the second layer revealed itself.

Client Results

After the session, Mike wrote this in a review: “My session with Eric was very enlightening. I was able to see the event with a clarity that I never have before. I saw details that I had not remembered before and we were able to go through it step-by-step. I was never afraid or upset, but able to understand and release all the complicated elements of it. I have even been able to talk about it with friends now without fear.

Throughout the next day after my session, I became increasingly aware of a physical change in my body. The center of my chest felt oddly solid. As I thought about it, I realized that for as long as I can remember, I had a hollow trembling in my chest at the base of my sternum. It was only the absence of it that made me aware of how serious it was. I had even gone to see a doctor to have my heart checked, but he said it sounded normal. I’ve had several stressful things happen since and was able to handle them in much more rational ways.”

Eric’s Comments

Although these were two different lifetimes, they were very connected and similar in emotional content. Mike’s feelings of abandonment, rejection and aloneness became much less, and the relationship with his partner improved and became closer and deeper. This is an example of how we can liberate ourselves from the pain and suffering that occurred in the past, bit by bit, layer by layer. Then we can begin to live more easily from our authentic selves which are unclouded by limiting fears.

Case 12: Two Past Lives that Helped Release Her Anxiety

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Client Background

A woman (I’ll call her Beth) came in having struggled with anxiety her whole life. She had panic attacks, feelings of unworthiness, and low self-worth. She wanted to try past life regression to help deal with these feelings and negative beliefs. Past life regression connects you to your higher self which will in turn show you the precise life or lives that can help you move forward in the way that you are requesting. Beth’s higher mind knew exactly what would be most helpful for her.

Client Experience

Beth saw a past life where she grew up in an orphanage where she kept to herself because she never felt like she fit in. She described her past life at age 12 as follows: “The woman who runs it is strict and mean. I don’t like her. I don’t remember my parents, and it feels lonely and sad being there. I don’t like being by the other kids, and I feel like I don’t fit in.” She left the orphanage in her late teens and worked at a tavern, but still kept to herself, never feeling like she belonged. She lived by herself the rest of her life. Then one day in her 50’s, she was out walking when she fell, hit her head, couldn’t get up and she died alone. She felt her soul drifting up into a lighter, higher vibration, and then she began to sense other beings sending her comfort and reassurance. She reported, “it feels like love, purifying energy and peace.” In the soul realm, she reviewed the life she had just left and saw how her low self-esteem and feeling of not wanting to be noticed carried over to her present life. From the vantage point of the soul, she understood her soul lesson in that life could be applicable to her present life. She described her soul lesson as follows: “I shouldn’t close myself off and assume that people don’t like me. I need to be more comfortable with myself and choose who I want to be around.” She then received a download of fully seeing and feeling what it would be like in her past life and current life if she lived from that wisdom.

She was then shown a second life of a high-status man who was a respected leader and in charge of making decisions for a community. He felt comfortable and confident speaking in front of others, with no self-doubts whatsoever. He was adept at fencing and even taught his wife and daughter how to fight with swords. When that life was over, her soul drifted up and at one point noticed that there were others with her that felt very loving. She described one of the presences as either a male spirit guide or an angel. She said, “They’re telling me that I have the ability in my present life to be that confident and self-assured as long as I remember who I am.” She then added, “I can really feel my heart center opening up a lot right now.”

Client Results

Two weeks after her session, Beth reported that her anxiety had become much less, especially when she was around people. She no longer felt the tight anxious feeling in her chest when around new people. She had not experienced any more panic attacks and felt much more confident at work. She also noticed that her intuitive abilities had increased and she was more confident in making decisions. She also reported that her heart center had continued to open up and expand, and she noticed feelings of love more frequently, even to the point of tearing up.

Eric’s Comments

Past life regression works at a very deep, subconscious level. It not only shows you the root of an issue, but also the perspective shift from a higher vantage point that needs to happen to bring healing and resolution to presenting life issues. This perception shift can be felt fully throughout the body, mind and soul, and settles in as a deep knowing that overrides any subconscious fears of “not good enough.” In short, you experience fully the truth that you are a brilliant soul being using a body. As Suzanne Giesemann channeled, “We are here to master being a soul in a human body.”

Case Study: A Lifetime of Anger Released

Case 13: A Lifetime of Anger Released

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A client (I’ll call her Ann) came in with “demons of anger”, in her words. It’s valuable to set an intention prior to doing a past life regression session. Her intention for her past life regression session was to “see a life or lives that can most help me understand and heal my anger about not feeling good enough”.

Ann saw herself in a past life as a boy who never knew his parents and was raised by relatives in a home in which there was care, but not closeness. Home felt cold. As a teenager, he fell deeply in love with a girl at school, but she died of an illness. After graduating from school, he moved to a new town and found a job cleaning. Eventually he married a woman that he didn’t really love, describing the marriage as “a convenient escape from loneliness…there was no love between us and no bonding with the kids.” As he grew older, he worked as a blacksmith in a small town, and felt stress and guilt about not being able to provide more for his family. “My wife and I have nothing to say to each other. After the kids grew up and were out of the house, they don’t visit much, and life feels hopeless and wasted.” He died in his mid- 50’s in a hospital, alone and scared.

He felt regret soon after his death as he reflected upon his life, saying, “I didn’t know who I was, and I didn’t accept the life I had.” He then moved into a shaft of light that pulled his soul into a higher vibration in the spiritual realm. Ann described it in this way: “It’s getting lighter. It feels like waves of energy are taking care of me. I feel calmness, forgiveness and not alone. There’s an energy that makes me feel connected, and a forgiveness for myself. It was a hard life with not enough money or food and I felt stress that whole life. I couldn’t provide as a man because there wasn’t enough. But I also didn’t provide love for my family.”

In the spirit realm, I typically ask, “What you would do differently if you lived that life all over again, only from the higher vantage point of your soul?” Ann responded: “I would have shown my wife and kids love and acceptance.” She then immediately began to feel what her life would feel like if she had actually done that, which is typical in the past life session. “I can now feel how different and much lighter that would feel if I lived from that perspective. I would have taught my kids things and been at weddings, and then enjoyed grandkids.” She described the soul learning in that life to be: “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Appreciate the life around you…the family you do have. Appreciate what you can in life.” She then felt a deep compassion overcome her for people on earth who are hurting.

It became evident that the feelings that were left unresolved in that past life carried over to affect the mental and emotional energy bodies in this present life, thus contributing to the feeling of anger about not feeling good enough. We then released the thought-form energy from the past life that had carried over and replaced it with the wisdom and light of her higher soul self.

Two weeks after the session, Ann shared how her session impacted her. She wrote in an email: “I have noticed a huge change. Driving home after my session, I felt an immediate sense of calmness and comfort. I felt like the empty and questionable pieces of me had a tangible reason. I finally felt free to feel better. I had no idea what to expect from the session and the fact that I was given a glimpse of a past life was riveting…especially the fact that I was a man. The trauma from that life, without parents, gave me such compassion for the life I live right now. My relationship with actual parents may never be repaired, but I have a clear understanding of why I may have been a difficult child for them. My life is forever changed and my anger for not feeling good enough is gone. I have already had success in my personal and business life because of my session. Thank you, Eric! I am truly grateful!” 

This is a good example of how a past life regression session works. A client can discover where the root of a problem or issue lies, release it, and then view both the past life and present life from the higher-dimension vantage point of the soul. Wisdom, clarity and compassion are natural by-products from resting in this high-vibration state of being. It’s a level of consciousness that we all have access to as we go deep within. We ultimately are not separate from it, but it can easily become obscured while living in this human experience. That is, until we can awaken to this higher level of awareness within our own being, and that IS our true permanent self.