Tag Archive for: past life regression

Past Life Regression: An Effective Tool to Expand Consciousness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A few months ago, the Edge Magazine was looking for articles on the topic “Expanding Consciousness.” I immediately began writing about past life regression, almost as if I had no choice, because what many people don’t realize is that past life regression is a process that does exactly that…it automatically brings you to a higher level of awareness. This happens towards the end of the session when you are resting in the higher dimension of the soul level, and tuning into a higher aspect of yourself. I’m sharing that article here. Please enjoy!

How can you effortlessly get to a level of awareness that makes your everyday waking consciousness, the one you’re at right now as you read this, feel like you are asleep? You may want to explore taking a trip deep within your own multi-dimensional self.

Past life regression offers a systematic way to do this, thus enabling you to experience what it’s like to live from a higher level of consciousness. Let me share several reasons why it is an effective technique.

First, during the step-by-step method of the regression process itself, one’s continual stream of mind chatter becomes increasingly quiet, revealing the pure presence that lies beneath it. This awareness forms the backdrop to the logical, analytical mind.

Secondly, images of another life will begin to appear independent of the conscious mind. In fact, these impressions cannot appear if you are in “thinking mode,” only when you are anchored in the present moment, or in “feeling mode.”

This reveals a third aspect to past life regression: At this point in the process, you have set aside the body/mind identity of your present self and now take on a different body/mind personality. Regardless of whether these images are interpreted as a historical past life or a symbolic metaphor, the past life story that comes through you is from your higher mind, and it is precisely designed to help you move forward, heal and grow in some way.

The reason for this can be best summed up by the words of one of my client’s guides: “Just as the body’s instinct is to breathe, the soul’s instinct is to evolve.” Past life regression often shines a spotlight on any unconscious thoughts, emotional patterns or beliefs that unknowingly hold you back in life, and then allows you to experience what it will be like to be completely free of any programming or conditioning that limits you. It may also show you the source of a physical, mental or emotional ailment so you can release it from your body/mind system. Ultimately, it reveals to you what you most need in order to thrive in this life.

Here are some case examples: A client’s chronic migraine headaches disappeared after discovering and healing the source of them from a past life when she experienced the early years of electric shock therapy. Another client felt a huge weight of unresolved grief and sadness lift after discovering and healing a past life where she committed suicide. She had carried over the heavy feelings and beliefs of hopelessness that she died with over to this life, and it explained why her twin sister in this life had none of these same feelings.

Another woman came to a session feeling stuck and anxious around new relationships. Rather than seeing a challenging life, she saw herself as a servant who lived completely from her heart. She had such a strong, conscious connection to “God” in that life that even an abusive employer was humbled and shifted by her loving presence. She merged the energies of the past life with her present one and she later revealed that she was able to maintain a stronger awareness of her connection to Source and, thus, a higher level of consciousness after the session, with greatly diminished anxiety.

Past life regressions ultimately enable you to tune into your soul self. After the past life is over, clients are guided to move up into a higher dimension in which they “disidentify” from both their past and present lives, and view these lives from the expanded awareness of their higher self, free of all ego identifications. When ego identification is seen through and set aside, a natural love-based clarity and wisdom reveals itself to be who and what you really are.

One of my favorite quotes of Paramahansa Yogananda is, “When you heal yourself, you do your part in healing the world.” I’m beginning to really understand what he means. We, as humans, are interconnected like a gigantic tapestry. As our consciousness raises, our unresolved past may surface for the purpose of being healed. When we heal, we are no longer negatively triggered by others outside of us, and they, in turn, are no longer triggered by us. The ripple effect that emanates from us is harmonious and love-based, and that impacts those around us far more than we could ever know.

We have so much more of an effect on this world that we are aware of. So here’s to raising our consciousness!

“Stories of the Afterlife”….your Life Between Lives

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Twenty years ago, I read a book which transformed my life called Journey of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton. I was transfixed, and as I read it, I finally knew deep down what I was meant to do with my life, which was to get training by Michael Newton before he retired, and then do the work I am doing now and probably will be doing for the rest of my life. If you have or have not heard of Michael Newton, I am sharing a short article written by Peter Smith, President of The Newton Institute since 2009. It explains the background of Dr. Newton and his monumental book as well as recent developments that have arisen from his research that people familiar with Newton’s work may be very interested in. Please enjoy Peter’s words:

“In recent years there has been a surge of interest emerging in regard to our existence beyond this body. The eternal questions of “What really happens when we die?”, “Where do we go to?”, and “What is my purpose for this lifetime?”, have been permeating our awareness for too many generations to count. Recent best sellers by Anita Moorjani, Dying To Be Me (Hay House, 2012) and Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven (Pan McMillan, 2012) have documented stunning stories of surviving their respective near death experiences (NDEs), and returning to inspire others about the afterlife.

Interest in reincarnation has never been higher, in fact even as far back as 2001, a Morgan Gallup poll in the USA showed 45% of respondents either believed in past lives or were open to it. Past life regression offered by a well-qualified professional is also becoming more common in the resolution of trauma. New articles about scientific research and experimentation about consciousness surviving beyond death, abound. What was once seen as fantasy, can now be the focus of a PhD.

But wait…
There is a field of work that has remained somewhat hidden from the public eye, though is in the process of emerging further into mainstream awareness. It not only answers the questions stated above, but transcends past life regression, taking clients into the expanded state outside the body, without the complexities, trauma on family and friends and the medical expenses of an NDE!

In 1968 in Los Angeles California, Dr. Michael Newton made a startling discovery during a therapeutic session when addressing a women’s battle with depression. As he moved to the source of her distress under deep hypnosis, he reunited his client with her soul family in her existence between incarnations. The field of “Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy” was born.

Over the next 35 years and 7000 clients, Dr. Newton made incredible discoveries as he patiently and meticulously mapped this spiritual realm that exists beyond time and space as we know it. He helped clients to discover the deep connection of unconditional love offered by our spiritual guides who help us through our lifetimes. He reconnected clients with their soul group, with whom we reincarnate regularly as we learn and grow together. Clients were able to meet with their “council”, an advanced group of beings who help us debrief our last lifetime and plan the next, including the one we are in right now. Ultimately he has shown through his life’s work that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. When we know life from that perspective we are forever changed. His best selling books that document his findings and the stories of his clients, Journey of Souls (Llewellyn Publishing 1994) and Destiny of Souls (Llewellyn Publishing 2001) have changed the lives of many thousands and have been translated into forty different languages.

These deep and profound life changing sessions are roughly 4 hours duration and preparation is key. When Dr. Newton retired, he placed his legacy to humanity in the hands of a group of highly trained professionals and founded The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives (LBL) Hypnotherapy. In 2009, Memories of the Afterlife was launched as a collective work from The Institute showcasing new stories from a global network of LBL Therapists, assembled by Dr. Newton himself. The life purpose of one man has now spread to many, who are now the custodians of his legacy. The Newton Institute has over 200 LBL Therapists, offering these profound experiences across 39 countries. While many draw on his work these days, this highly trained group are the only ones who carry his unique endorsement, earned through specific training, robust certification and a spiritual code of ethics. The first 7000 cases have now grown to a number over 30,000 as more people are inspired to rediscover their immortal identity to bring wisdom and inspiration to this lifetime.

Breaking News…
In late 2015, in response to global interest and demand for more inspiring case stories, TNI created Stories of the Afterlife. Through this online journal we are opening the doors to The Newton Institute to those who share our curiosity regarding existence beyond physical life. We have been gathering stories from around the globe across the 39 countries in which TNI members practice in order to foster individual spiritual development. The case stories that we highlight demonstrate how Life Between Lives® hypnotherapy offers transformational healing, awakening of our immortal identity and our connection to the greater Oneness.

You can find out more about our quarterly research journal, Stories of the Afterlife, so you too can be inspired by the things that inspire us, at www.NewtonInstitute.org. There you will find a link to the journal, including never before seen footage of Michael and the latest updates in this rapidly growing field of consciousness. We hope that through your own Life Between Lives® hypnotherapy session the truth and freedom of your own immortal identity unfolds. It is time for us to remember who we truly are.”

A Unique Approach to Heal Anxiety and Depression

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When we put the feelings of anxiety or depression under the microscope of hypnosis, we see that these intense, unwanted feelings are actually made up of subtle, fearful thoughts, such as “I’m not wanted,” “I’m not safe,” “I’m all alone” – thoughts that began somewhere in a past event or circumstance. As life moves forward, we naturally resist looking at these painful mental and emotional wounds. It feels better to avoid them, so we do what we can to bury them or push them aside.

People’s present state of being, and the decisions they make, usually are colored by the past. So when we’re dominated by anxiety or depression, that unwanted feeling is kept alive by subtly avoiding it or pushing it away. Paradoxically, these unwanted feelings can often be extinguished when we focus intently and directly on the emotional energy charge.

The following is a common example of how this process works. A woman came to me (I’ll call her Mary) arrived for a session plagued by anxiety that she had felt as long as she could remember. Although her anxiety had been managed somewhat by dealing with past abuse issues through traditional talk-therapy, there was still a lingering anxiety that was further triggered several years ago by experiencing extreme turbulence on an airplane. This event awakened a deep fear in her and was causing an increasing phobia of flying, which was problematic because she flies regularly.

But within our very anxieties and fears lie our keys and clues for healing.

The first step is to focus on the unwanted feeling and locate where in the body that energy charge is felt most intensely. In Mary’s case, she felt her anxiety in her chest. Even without a traditional relaxation hypnosis induction, she was already focused deeply enough to access the insights and images of her higher mind – the part of her that gives her symbolic dreams at night as she sleeps.

I asked her, “If that part of your body could speak, what would it say?”

She said, “I’m sad, alone and afraid.”

Now we had an emotion (anxiety), a somatic (feeling in the chest), and a mental thought (sad, alone, afraid) – the key ingredients to uncover the root of the issue and go directly to an underlying cause.

By letting her consciousness slide into the middle of the unwanted feeling in her chest and repeating the mental thought program of “I’m sad, alone and afraid,” it took her quickly and directly to a time where she felt this feeling before. Typically a person is taken to scenes in their present life, in which case we follow the steps for an Emotional Healing session. But in Mary’s case, she went to another life, and it became a Past Life Therapy session. In her mind’s eye, she saw images of a cold, damp, dirty alley in Europe. She was wandering homeless, alone and paranoid, with only the clothes on her back. We then went to the time where she first became homeless. She immediately had images of watching a burning house. She was feeling desperate and in shock, because her husband and children were trapped inside and died in the flames. With the deep shock of losing everything she knew and owned, she wandered the streets for years, simply existing and surviving in an emotional state of grief, fear and feeling totally alone. She died with these heavy, intense thoughts, and this thought-form energy residue was imprinted in her soul-essence – stuck in her physical, emotional and mental energy bodies, carried forward into this incarnation and awakened during the traumatic event of airplane turbulence in this life.

Once we went through the death scene of that life, she could rest in the high vibration of deep peace, love and security of the afterlife, and then consciously release the emotional and mental energy charges that had been carried in her soul essence that was attached to her present life body.

Afterward, she observed that the subtle, nagging anxiety was completely gone, she felt much lighter because she had dumped the heavy, fear-based thoughts and feelings. She commented that it was as if cobwebs had been cleared from her body and mind. Suddenly, many feelings and impulses in this life made complete sense. For instance, why crying children caused her to shudder, her deep empathy towards the homeless, and above all, the subtle grief, fear and aloneness that had lingered with her much of this life. A week later, she continued to note a large part of her anxiety was significantly released, yet attention was still needed on other aspects of her fears. Healing happens in layers, like peeling an onion.

Deep within the very anxieties and fears that we subtly resist lie the essential keys for releasing and healing those mental and emotional fears that prevent us from knowing our true soul nature of wholeness and completeness. We are always whole and complete, because we can never separate ourselves from our soul. The brilliant light of who we are simply gets covered up by mental and emotional “fear-dirt” from past experiences.

Various types of hypnosis can offer an efficient means by which people can become their own detective and release all fear-based problems through insight and wisdom. Whether we do past life regression or a present-life Emotional Healing session, a person will get a very clear sense of what it looks like and feels like to allow their life to be an expression of the part of themselves which is already whole and free.

Lessons Learned from 3,000 Regressions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

After guiding 3,000+ past life regressions over the past 15 years, I’ve noticed three common themes or soul lessons that often emerge during the latter part of the session when the earth life is over and is being reviewed from the vantage point of the soul. There is such wisdom in these lessons that I wanted to share them with you.

#1 Do not live from fears or guardedness. You will regret the times that you allowed fears to hold you back or limit your life expression in any way. A common example is withholding your expression of love by guarding your heart from emotional pain. Other regrets include choosing security over pursuing a passion, love or joy, whether it be marrying for status and money instead of love or holding back on following a dream. As Wayne Dyer once said, “Don’t die with your music still left in you.”

#2 Be more proactive in creating your life experience rather than simply reacting to what life gives you. I’ve heard many variations of this same missed opportunity. Unfortunately, we cannot get through life without loss or failure because they are built into the human experience as a means for us as souls to evaluate how the human part of us chooses to respond to challenges. Loss or failure can limit us or it can make us stronger and wiser with a richer life experience. When we glimpse behind the scenes and view life as a temporary role-play, however, losses and failure don’t paralyze us as much. In other words, as we become more awake to our permanent identity, we become freer.

#3 Be more fully and consciously present in each moment of life to experience more joy. It reminds me of Emily’s famous line in the play Our Town, “Is anyone really aware of life while they’re living it?” This is a theme that we all can relate to as we often go through life in our heads rather than appreciating the underlying love and beauty that is available in each instant, often only noticing it when it’s gone.

We can understand these lessons intellectually, but yet not fully feel and experience the truth of this wisdom. The value of past life regression is that it can allow us to integrate deeper soul truths at the level of the body and subconscious mind, thus helping us to more easily live from them in our daily lives. This is because towards the end of the session, the background noise of the thinking mind is silent and you are fully anchored in the here and now, which is actually a higher dimension of your being that is saturated in peace, love and clarity. You are more deeply connected to the soul part of you that is always ‘here’ and never goes away…not only throughout the years of your life as the body ages, but even long after the body is left behind.


Past Life Regression to BodySound Chairs: Support for Awakening

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Past Life Regression to BodySound Chairs:  Support for Awakening

As human beings, we are in an unprecedented time of awakening and growth. Computers, cell phones, weaponry, you name it, with new inventions obsolete at an increasingly faster pace as we awaken to more advanced ideas and technology. This exponential growth is also apparent in the realm of consciousness, as a significant number of people are beginning to awaken from the sleep-like trance of the ego-identified state of being, and into a natural, transcendent and permanent part of their selves that is not governed by fear and separation. For most of us, this process comes in stages like a slow progression, but on rare occasions such as with Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie, the jump from inner turmoil to freedom can happen quite spontaneously and intensely. For those who aspire to awaken to what they already are, certain tools can assist to realize more fully their true selves that lie beneath the surface of the fears and the illusions of separation that helps create this human experience.

What obscures the connection with our natural free being? It is our identification with the steady stream of the mind — our subtle thoughts and beliefs, both conscious and subconscious. Identification with our mind is normal, of course, but it is also the reason behind 100% of our suffering, according the Buddha. Most of us do not realize that there is an aspect of us that is free from this thinking mind. However, when we finally do, it feels noticeably ‘more awake’ because it can observe this chatterbox mind. As the mind quiets through various practices like meditation and others mentioned below, there can be an increasing awareness of limiting subconscious thoughts and beliefs. As a result, a subtle gulf gets created between ‘you’ and this thinking mind. This slight, elusive shift marks the beginning step in the journey from bondage to liberation. Who or what is this constant observer that can notice changing moods and thoughts whether at 5 or 85 years of age? Who or what am I? This is the ‘self-inquiry’ question which sages encourage us to ask, because, if you seriously inquire, it will stop the thinking mind since there is no answer that the thinking mind can comprehend. What’s left is pure unfiltered presence/awareness…a dimension of our being that is firmly rooted in the eternal present moment. Like a movie screen that holds ever-changing images, this same presence/awareness is a backdrop for the ceaseless flow of content from our minds.

You can find many awakened sages on youtube these days. One of them is Leonard Jacobson, sage and author of Journey Into Now. “We live our lives according to our unconscious beliefs,” says Jacobson. We can’t let go of the beliefs that limit us until we become aware of them. If you want to find a false belief that limits you, you can usually find one under a negative emotion that you’re trying to avoid. Adyashanti, another sage and teacher, suggests that a primary spiritual practice could be to allow whatever has been long repressed and denied within ourselves to be finally seen and felt in the light of our full consciousness. Then, he says, the energy can release from your body/mind system and be integrated into the fullness of your being.

This is where past life regression comes in. It is an effective tool to help in this awakening process because it leads to the discovery of our subconscious blocks if we set an intention for this to happen. PLR is far more than just seeing a past life. It’s about transcending the mind’s tendency to control in order to allow a higher guidance system to give you precisely what will help you move to the next level. You not only see a life that will expose a limiting pattern or belief, but PLR also helps you identify with the part of you that transcends the ego-based thinking mind. First, the information can drop into your awareness only when the analytical mind is ignored or quiet. Secondly, you begin to identify with and experientially feel the soul part of you between the lives after the death of the past life. As a result, a deep silencing of thought is noticed as you become solidly anchored in the eternal Now, free of the mind’s chatter and clutter. What remains is a clear, shining, free being of clarity and awareness. You become like a bright light bulb that has wiped away the mental dirt that obscured it, exposing the still presence of clarity, love and pure creative potential beneath it. During these moments, one can experience what it feels like to be free of their limiting beliefs.

New technology can also help on our journey of awakening. After 17 years of research, local neurologist and inventor Dan Cohen, MD, created a ‘BodySound’ chair, which combines layered sounds and music with synchronistic vibration and magnets. The result of a ‘BodySound’ chair session is profound relaxation with a conscious quieting of the thinking mind, thus increasing awareness of what it feels like to be free of the fear-based identity of egoic consciousness. It opens up the body’s energy system to receive greater flow while simultaneously setting the stage for limiting beliefs and conditioning to be noticed and released. Cohen then founded a non-profit organization, Global Institute of Energy Healing Technology (GIEHT), dedicated to using science and technology to promote the energy healing of humanity through research, education and practice. More information about GIEHT, as well as a symposium on energy healing modalities can be found at www.energyhealingtechnology.org. The symposium is on Saturday, October 18, 2014. The evening prior, I will be doing a pre-symposium event of a group- guided past life regression immediately following a BodySound session.

The common denominator between self-inquiry, past life regression, BodySound technology, and any other process that helps quiet the chattering mind is that it exposes the ego for what it is…a bunch of thoughts. More precisely, a circular pattern of thoughts revolving around an image of ‘me’, created from our programming and conditioning. However, a very real part of us transcends this image. The more we abide in this larger Self, the more our limiting beliefs and repressed emotions rise to the surface to become liberated in the light of our full awareness. As a by-product, we can more easily remain fully present in whatever moment this human experience gives us.

An Eloquent Description of Experiences with Past Life

An Eloquent Description of Past Life Regression

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Recently a client shared with me her narrative of her past life regression experience. I am sharing it with you because it such an articulate description of how past life regression can work. Describing your experience can be quite a challenge. One of the first things people notice after a session is the lack of words there are to describe the experience. There is a reason for this…words and language belong to the thinking mind in this physical dimension, and the entire past life regression experience can only be done when this conscious thinking mind is a silent, uninvolved witness. Therefore, information drops into you as a “download” of intuitive inner knowings and feelings along with some visual impressions, like a strong intuitive hunch. Words can only describe the tip of the iceberg of your experience. In fact, describing what is happening during your regression can feel a lot like multi-tasking. But the most important part is that as the conscious thinking mind gives up control of the process, an entirely new information flow is accessible….the same information flow that might give you a strong intuitive knowing about something. And it gives you precisely what will be of most benefit to you, even if you cannot fully articulate beforehand what that is. This narrative provides an example of this. Enjoy!

Past Life Regression

As a preacher’s kid, and pretty mainstream thinker all my life, I was surprised at 49 to discover a new fascination with the concept of reincarnation and past-lives. I was experiencing some pretty major changes in my life and was not handling them gracefully, so I decided to see if a past life regression would help.  I seriously didn’t expect it to be life changing, and before the appointment, prepared myself to walk away believing that in fact it was a hoax.  I could not have been more wrong.

I did three regressions and a life between lives session over the course of a year, and as time went on, I began to see patterns.  While I generally had specific things I wanted to know, the most valuable insights I received had nothing to do with my questions, but everything to do with what was deep in my heart.  The questions I didn’t know how to ask became the topic of the story.

There were many similarities between the different lives that I found are also themes in my current life.  In three of the four lives, there was a big kitchen table that kept showing up, and significant things kept happening around it.  Even today, I love to cook and feed people. That same big table sits in the center of our home, and life still happens around it.  My current husband was also my husband in two of my lives, and my current sister was my wife in one.  In all the lives, I lived in rural areas, and spent a lot of time outdoors, often gardening, which is also true in this life.

I expected that if this whole past lives thing turned out to be legit, I would find some kind of dramatic wisdom, but in fact, most of the wisdom had an elegant simplicity to it.  In one life, there was an epidemic of some kind in our village, and we had to move.  The major scene in that life was the conflict between my husband and me as we dealt with my fear of change.  By the end of the life, we had happily settled in a new place and raised our family, and I died very happy.  The lesson?  Change is ok.  Relax and go with it.  That lesson is not an earthshaking revelation, but at that moment in time, in this life, accepting change was exactly what I was struggling with, and had been unable to see clearly through my fear.  Experiencing the regression and seeing myself successfully navigate a similar situation allowed me to handle the changes that were occurring in this life.  I found a peace that had been out of my reach before the regression.

The regression that had the greatest impact on me was a life where I was a man who was unable to connect with people.  Because of my self-imposed isolation, when I needed my community to help me save my land, they were not there for me. I lost everything, became a bitter mean man, and finally died alone and depressed. To those around me, I looked like a cranky old man, but inside, I was lonely and in pain, with no clue what was causing it or how to ease the pain.  The heaviness of the depression I felt in the latter part of that life was something I will never forget.

Initially I thought the lesson was about the value of connecting with people and learning to work in teams, which I still believe it was, but there was more.  In the weeks following the regression, another theme also began to emerge.  Visiting that life enlarged my understanding of what compassion really is, beyond sympathy for the poor and downtrodden.  Since the regression, when negative behavior is directed at me, instead of feeling attacked, I see pain and fear.  Having lived that pain, I have a different perspective, and tend to feel compassion rather than anger and resentment.  I can’t change people’s behavior, but I can change my own, and find a healthier and more compassionate way to respond.  It has made a huge difference in how I work with people!

By far the most comforting result of these regressions is that I have lost my fear of dying.  Do I want to die now?  No.  But I have experienced death four times, and I can confidently say that it is not the end; it is just the beginning of another season in the eternal life of my soul.  Death, from the soul’s perspective, is neither difficult nor the end, and the place we return to, whatever you choose to call it, is a place of love.

Life Between Lives Transcription

A Life-Between-Lives Session: A Glimpse Into the Spirit World

Reading Time: 37 minutes

Recently a client emailed me a 27 page transcript of her Life-Between-Lives session. I chose to post it because it reveals a captivating glimpse into the matter-of-fact life that follows our earthly lives. Although our lives are certainly real, they are relatively real. From the vantage point of the soul, these lives can seem like fictitious role plays that all have reasons and purposes behind them.

This transcript has a very uplifting message for us during a time which can often seem tumultuous here on earth. In a Life-Between-Lives session, a client is in a deep hypnotic trance. They tune into a higher dimension of their being, and therefore a much higher level of consciousness in which they can often access information to nearly anything that they focus on, unless it’s in their highest benefit to not receive that information. Thus, you will notice in this account how information tends to drop in as a ‘download’ into one’s awareness after questions are asked, all while the thinking, analytical mind is completely silent. Please enjoy!


This is a direct summary of my past life and Life Between Lives (LBL) hypnosis session directed by Eric Christopher on September 26th, 2013.  I have written down my session as spoken on recording.  However, some areas require further explanation, as I was unable to articulate all of my thoughts during the session itself, and some things didn’t occur to me until post session.  I have added all that I can remember from my experience, plus what was directly recorded.  The added material will be in brackets.

The session taping begins with my first impressions upon entrance into my most recent past life:


Me: Hungry and naked.

Eric Christopher (EC): What is the color of your skin?

Me: I am white.  And… I’m 9 years old.  My brother is 5.

EC: Ok.

Me: And we’re with a bunch of other kids.  Outside and there is just dirt, with a fence.

EC: Does it feel like you know some of these kids?

Me: No.  We got to know them once we got here, but we didn’t know them before that.

EC: Is anyone wearing cloths?

Me: some of us have pants… some of us…but a lot more are just naked.  No extra clothes… nothing.

EC: Is this fence enclosing you?

Me: Yes.  We are not allowed out.  We are separated from our parents.

EC: Ok.

Me: I think they’re dead…

EC: Go back now to a time when you were with your parents.  Go back…

Me: We’re on a street.  We’re walking.  I don’t understand.  We were told we’d done something wrong.  Then they took us.  That’s when we were separated.  My brother and I from our parents, and then they wanted to later separate my brother and I as well, but I claimed I didn’t know him.  I made up a lie.  I don’t think they believed me, but I think the guard felt bad.  They let us stay together.

EC: Then what happens next?

Me: We’re taken in a vehicle with other kids and moved to another place.  It took a night and a day to get there.

EC: Now, take a moment and go back.  Did you feel as though your mom and dad did anything wrong?

Me: No.  My mom was screaming.  They had to carry my mother away, and my dad, he wanted to fight them.  But they had guns and he had nothing.

EC: Did the people that took you have uniforms?

Me: Yes. (long pause) I know they were Nazis. (Feeling very upset at this point. I can hear myself on the recording taking a few big breaths of air.  It was difficult to actually say the word “Nazi” and admit that this is what was happening.)

EC: Ok. They were Nazis.  All right.  Now, we’re going to come back to this scene, but before we do, I want to go backwards in time, to a time before all this started.  Go back to a time when you were home with your family.

Me: We’re sitting down to dinner.

EC: Allow yourself to notice your father.  Is he there?

Me: Yes.

EC: Notice the eyes and face.  What does his face convey?  What is his mood like?

Me: He is a very gentle man.  (He has) small glasses with dark curly hair, dark eyes, and tall.  He writes for a living.  He’s always at his desk.  My mother has light brown hair and brown eyes.  Both are very quiet parents.  My brother and I are quiet too.

EC: Do you feel closer to your mother or your father?

Me: My mother.

EC: Do you feel like it’s a close bond?  Do you love her?

Me: I want to be a good son.  I don’t want her to have a hard time raising me.  I want to be a good boy.

EC: Ok, and how does home feel?

Me:  Very happy.  We have a nice dinning room, nice furniture.  There’s a chandelier.  I feel like it’s very happy.

EC: Do you go to school?

Me: Yes.

EC: What is it like for you at school?

Me: I like school… I’m quiet though.  I don’t talk to the other kids very much.  I just don’t like to draw attention.  I’m very into my studies.  I worry about my little brother.  I don’t want him picked on.  He’s small for his age.

EC: So you’re protective of your brother?

Me: Yes.

EC: All right.  In a moment I’m going to play a tone, and when I play the tone, then allow the scene to fade away and move ahead in time.  To the next scene…

Me: We’re in a park.  Having a picnic.  My dad really likes nature, and he points things out and teaches us things.  He’s very smart.  I admire him.  It’s a sunny day with lots of grass, and people are about.

EC: It’s just the four of you on this picnic?

Me: Yes.  I feel like we moved away… and came here for a job for my dad.  We live in a city.  I like living in the city.  There are lots of other boys to play with on my street.  We play in the street with a ball, and some dogs.  I like them too, but my mom doesn’t want a dog.  But I can play with their dogs, so it’s ok.

EC: Your mother calls you by your name.  What is your name?

Me: Joseph.  My brother is Abraham.  My mother is Mary and my dad is Elijah.

EC: So, now in a moment I will play a tone, and let yourself move ahead in time to the next scene in this life.

Me: I’m very nervous.  It’s getting scary.  Things are happening I don’t understand.  I’m scared at night to go to sleep.  There are people in the streets, but no children.  We’re not allowed out to play anymore.  My parents have told me I can’t go to school anymore.  They’re keeping me at home, but they seem like they’re looking at the newspaper a lot and out the windows a lot too.  There are a lot of people that stop by, and they have meetings.  I have to go upstairs to my bedroom.  Everything is changed… it’s so scary.

EC: Where is it you live?

Me: Austria

EC: Ok, now move ahead again in time, to when your parents are taken from you.

Me: I tell them it will be ok, I tell them not to worry.  I will watch my brother, and I do.  I never let him be out of my sight.  We stay together.

EC: Did this separation just happen in the street?

Me: Yes.  We were called outside.  There was a group of men in uniforms.  There were so many…  They told my dad, since he wrote for the newspaper; they were taking him into custody.  They told him the things he was writing about the war were illegal.  He was being a voice for the persecuted people, but apparently that was a crime.

EC: Was it only your family being taken?

Me: I feel like there were more, but I didn’t see it.  They never let people who might know each other be taken together.  But I can tell there are less people around, on our street.  I don’t know, I wasn’t outside much the last few months.

EC: Ok, then what happens?

Me: We’re put in a truck.  In the back, locked in with other children.  They’re all ages, and crying.  There’s a little girl so young she cannot talk and she’s crying.  I put her on my lap along with my brother and that makes us all feel better. (She stops crying from this and there’s less tension).  We drive.  It’s dark.  We drive through the night.  I don’t remember any food or water or stopping.  Sometime late that next day is when we stop.  We’re herded as a group into the fence.  There are buildings but nothing else.

EC: What are those buildings like?  Can you go inside them?

Me: Yes.  One.  There are beds in one where we sleep in piles.  But that’s okay.  We feel safer that way anyway.  That’s all that’s in there.  A few beds, no blankets or pillows or anything on the beds though… Oh… there’s a metal pail in the corner we’re to use as a bathroom.  We’re not embarrassed though because we’re all suffering together.  We’re all taking care of each other as best we can.

EC: Go to a time when you’re given food.  What is a mealtime like?

Me: They bring us outside, and we stand in a line… Someone hands us a piece of bread and we get a cup to scoop water, then we have to pass the cup after we drink.  It’s only once a day, and not every day.  Sometimes I share my bread with my brother because he’s so small.  Otherwise there’s nothing else to do.  We’re just waiting… The younger ones hope for their parents, but now I know they’re far away.  I have someone I talk to… A girl.  An older girl.  She tells me that the parents go to a different place and that we aren’t going to see them again.  She explains the war.  She’s so matter of fact about it, I feel like she’s given up hope.  That we’re never getting out.  I’m hoping that we win and my parents are okay.

She has dark hair too, and is allowed to wear a dress.  There are so many of us getting so skinny and some are very sick.  They take them away to a hospital, but no one ever comes back.  We never see them again.

EC: Can you take a word or two to describe what you’re feeling while you’re here?

Me: Mostly fear.  Fear we will never see our parents again… Hunger and cold, no blankets or coats, or anything.  There is a lot of yelling from the guards.  They don’t look at us; they try not to look at us.  But I look at them in their faces anyway.  I want them to see me.  I know they have children.  I don’t understand how they can do this.  They can’t all not have families of their own!  But no one takes care of us.  I have the girl as my friend though, and she talks to me.  But she’s not a lot of comfort because it’s all bad news.  She says we won’t be here long.  It will be over soon.  They come in waves… She had a job… She told me she’d take papers for the Nazis because she knew certain people wouldn’t suspect a young teenage girl as a spy… She knew her way around the city and would run errands.  She decided not to help them (the Nazis) anymore.  Even if it meant her life.  She quit.  She said she’d rather die than help them anymore.  So, they put her here, with us kids.  She says to me she doesn’t care.  She says she wants to die.

EC: Then what happens?

Me: There is a guard.  I see his face.  I feel like he hates his job.  I know he does, he hides it with his yelling.  But I know inside he doesn’t like what he does.  He feels pity for us.  I try to stand near him.  I feel like I remind him of his own son.  My brother and I are always together and always holding hands and I never take my arm off him if I can help it.  To keep him warm and to keep him safe.  There comes a time when they move us.  They move us to a building and the girl tells me we’re going to die there.  She says they call it a shower, but it’s not.  It’s poison.  She says to not fight it.  Just breathe it in and make it fast.  She asks us not to scream.  (She doesn’t want to hear us scream).  My brother and I promise not to.  We won’t.  So we go inside, it’s very crowded.  We’re all pressed together.  Some adult people are with us too now.  I don’t know where they came from.  We’re all brought together… We’re waiting… it seems like forever.  We know this is the end.  I’m praying.  I pray to God it’s quick.  Then… The mist… it is like a shower, but it’s … I take a deep breath and ask God if I can go at the same time as my brother so we can go up to heaven together.  It’s very fast!  I come out before my body is done living.  I feel no pain or suffering in my death.

EC: Tell me when you are leaving your body, when you are above it, looking down.  What do you see?

Me: I’m lying on the ground.  I’m naked.  Everyone is falling down around me.  But… I don’t see other souls… They each have their own way… I know my brother is safe and Ellen (the girl) is safe… And a light is there.

EC: Do you stay in the showers?

Me: No.  I pass right into the light.  It folds around me.

EC: Ok, so you don’t see any other souls?  You just move right into the light?

Me: Yes.  I’m instantly ok.  I felt bad for the guard… Pity was the last thing I felt.  Not fear… and I am in the light.  It’s very very bright, and I feel at peace.

EC: Just feel and be fully present with that peace.  Now, you’re in a soul state, directly connected to your higher consciousness.  This consciousness is like a vast computer storing all the knowledge of your past existence.  As an eternal, timeless being, you will be able to remember details about your immortal life between lives.  And thus be able to respond to questions about your life as a soul quite easily.  We’re going to be moving to a place of expanded awareness as you move upwards into that realm of an all-loving spirit.  Your soul can already feel the joy of being released.  You’ll have a sense of familiarity as we progress further.  Soon you will receive divine help in releasing negative energy from your previous life.  You’ll be entering your eternal home of planning and harmony.  So, does it feel as though the earth is totally gone now?

Me: Yes.

EC: As you find yourself moving higher and higher and further away…

Me: There are people everywhere… busy lights… moving about.  There is light everywhere.  It was an angel that brought me here… A Transport Seraphim.

EC: An angel helped you transport to this place?

Me: Yes, he folded around me.  I’ve done this before.

EC: He was an angel that just folded around you?  Did he help you move up into the light, or did you go up into the light yourself?

Me: It… was almost the same thing…  Now he releases me and says “Good to see you.  Welcome back!” and I go forward.  I go to a building.  I know this building.  Oh… (In awe of what I’m seeing), It’s a place we store all of our souls past histories.  Our lives… our information.

EC: Kind of a place to store all of your other lives you’ve lived?

Me: Yes, I’m on the steps of it.  I walk… well not really… I’m floating up the steps.

EC: Are there other souls around you?

ME: Yes.  They’re busy with their own… things… and they greet me in passing.  Like… I’ve only been gone a little while.  They’re looking at their charts.  There are a couple that have started making plans already… plans that include me!  My last life was so short… Oh…!  I only went to teach the guard compassion.  And… he should overcome… the coercion to do the job they wanted him to do.  Oh…!  All of these friends… They’re in the room… They have books open already looking at the next life, and there’s an old man there too… He brings me some scrolls (an armful) that I might want to look at.  He says, “You’re almost done now!”  I just have a few things to go over… “You can get them all in this next one,” he says.  He opens a scroll and says, “Yes, you were brave… You did what you were supposed to do.”

EC: What is it you were supposed to do?

Me: Comfort, compassion… it was so scary… (In my last life) there were so many (people) panicking, that if I didn’t panic, it would comfort them, and show strength and courage.  They could do it.  It would be easier… It didn’t have to be so bad.  Acceptance.  To show acceptance.  That no matter what, you’re okay.

EC: Ok…

Me: And I see that I looked at the soldier, looked at his face as I was going into the gas chamber.  I knew I was going to die, and I saw that he regretted everything.  He wished he could follow us in there.  That he could go too.  But he says in his mind that this is his punishment.  He will endure it then.  Whatever he has to, to the bitter end.  I see now… He is my dad in this life!!

EC: The guard is your father in this life?

Me: Yes, in my present life.  My little brother was my older brother James in this life now.  (Ellen, the friend I had, was Miranda, my daughter in this life now).

EC: Ok

Me: My mother, Mary is who my mother is now (in my current life).

EC: Same mother?

Me: Yes.  No one else came along with me in that life.

EC: So, in that life, those are the only ones that are in the life of Beth now?

Me: Yes.

EC: Is the soul of your father in this past life, not in the life of Beth?

Me: Noooo… He was from another group.  He was an advanced soul.

(A note about the character and personality of my father in this life, who was one of my prison guards in the last life:  He absolutely would not disciple us kids (my 3 brothers and I) while growing up.  He liked to play the “fun-loving” parent, and my mother has complained all our lives that she’s had to be the “bad guy” and was the only parent who would discipline us kids when we were growing up.  Another notable thing: my dad will NOT watch war movies).

EC: Ok, and in that past life, were you Jewish?

Me: Yes.  Yes, I was so proud that I was a Jew, because I reasoned that since Jesus was a Jew, it was a really good thing.  But now… I see that doesn’t matter… and I’m looking back on it and I’m… getting ready for this life.

EC: What do you do to prepare?  Let yourself move forward to this place of planning for this life.  Where you decide what type of body you want to take into your current life, and what family you want to come to.

Me: I’m only given one body choice this time.  They tell me it’s a gift.

EC:  And what do they mean by “it’s a gift?”

Me: For a good job… A job well done… I’m surrounded in light.  I see it… They said, “This will be a gift.  (For) this one last time.”

(At this point I begin to feel anxious)  I don’t want to leave my soul group; the others!  I want to stay and help them.  I don’t want to be done!

(A note on my one and only body choice given: It’s not that it was so exceedingly beautiful or magnificent, but that it was designed exactly as I needed for this life.  They knew I wouldn’t want to be too physically beautiful or anything like that.  Instead I was given a strong body, of average height, intelligence and looks; nothing to brag about!  But many times growing up I’ve thought to myself how I’m glad I was born bigger instead of petite so I could sling hay bales and do farm work with ease alongside my brothers.  I should also note that I have perfect vision, never had a cavity, and no major illnesses or injuries.  I have always appreciated this!  So, I guess I offer thanks for these small niceties!)

EC: Help the others in your soul group?

Me: Yes… but they tell me I didn’t have to go back (in this last life).  I didn’t even have to live the Jewish life… I didn’t have to do that…!

EC: You didn’t have to go to the Jewish life?

Me: Noooooo…. I said I would though, to help my mother, and my brother (and father, who was the prison guard).

EC: Ok, so as a soul, you elected to go to the Jewish life?

Me: Yes, and I’m glad it was short, because I have… lots of things… I have 3 groups of souls that I’m helping… Teaching… I’m guiding them… I am a guide… So glad I’m back again already… So much to do…

EC: When you were incarnate in the Jewish life, did that limit your ability to do your work in the spirit realm?

Me: No, but I want to get back to that.

EC: To get back to your work in the spirit realm?

Me: Yes.

EC: Tune into that.  Tell me more about your work in the spirit realm.

Me: Hmmmm… I’m being… allowed into things… I’m… a guide of… I was learning… I practiced in 3 lives… of Chris.  Who is my friend now, in this life.

EC: So, as a soul, you work as a guide for other souls, one being Chris?

Me: Yes, his guide (temporarily) let me work as part of his spirit team.

EC: And what team is this?

Me: His (Chris’) team of spirits that work with his life.

EC: So you’re one of the spirits that worked on the life of Chris?

Me: Yes, (as a practice guest guide in training) and the 3rd time (I acted as part of his guide team), they let me be… Like in charge.  We all help each other, if anything goes wrong, but I got to be the main one to go to him, to help him, (sort of like a team leader).

EC: Are some of his other guides in his life in the physical now, or are they still in spirit realm?

Me: They are all in spirit realm.  (I’m not actually his guide!  He just allowed me to practice on him.  Spirits do that for each other, otherwise we have no other way to learn.)

EC: So you’re the only one from this team of guides in the physical now?

Me: Yes.  He’s in another group, different from mine.  We’ve had other lives incarnated together.

EC: Is he in the same soul group as yourself?

Me: No, but next to it.  We have a lot of fun lives together.  Adventuring…

EC: Tell me about one of your most fun lives together…

Me: We were on a ship in the ocean.  There was an island we landed on, and it had everything we needed.  It was beautiful, and as a crew, we decided to stay there for a very long time.  There was a waterfall, and we could catch fish very easily.  It was always warm… We didn’t need much for shelter… Mostly we’d just hunt and fish… There was plentiful fruit… We didn’t want to go back, but some had families… We stayed there for a long time… Several years…

EC: On the island?

Me: Yes.  It was like… a paradise…

EC: Did you have family on the island, or at home?

Me: No family on the island.  I… I was an orphan.  I had no family.  I was 22… I didn’t care about anything, but then I realized, yes, I should go back.  We can’t stay there forever.  I thought, “I can’t grow old here, and die here… no one would ever know that I had existed…”

(This was a trader ship from England during medieval times.  It was truly heaven to discover such an island when everyone back home was barely surviving and starving.  It was a crew of 12 men, plus the captain.  The captain was my friend Shannon in this life.  A brave, honest, and good captain, whom I greatly admired.  We never saw each other again after parting when we returned to England.  My friend Chris however, died of sickness on the return trip, spread from rats that multiplied on the ship while we tarried on the island).

EC: What was it like when you came back?

Me: It was… depressing… I had to find a new job because I realized I didn’t want to live on the ocean.  I had to find work and would sweep and clean…  I didn’t know if there would ever be a woman I would find… I had… nothing to offer.

EC: Did you ever meet a woman?

Me: (Pause) Yes! He’s my husband (Paul) now!  I don’t know if it was pity… or what… She worked in a restaurant for her parents.  She said I could do dishes… and I could bathe in their home… If I promised not to steal or rape… (I laugh) which I thought, “Of all the things I would never do!”  That’s the last thing I would ever do to their daughter… She’s so beautiful, and so kind, and she’s very petite, with blonde curly hair and sparkling blue eyes and she smells wonderful.  She helps me find cloths… She gives me some her father no longer wears.  She tells me not to say anything… Maybe her father won’t recognize I’m wearing his old clothes.  But he does.  He knows his daughter is being kind, and he encourages kind acts… So he lets her give me his clothes.  And I am… I’m not sure… I am… 27 and she is 25… She doesn’t like most of the men her parents try to find for her… She’s very independent… (Whispering) and we secretly decide to get married!

EC: So do her parents ever approve of you getting married?

Me: There is initial disapproval because they think she can do better, but I take good care of her, and I’m kind.  And I’m learning things… new skills… I’m learning to work with wood… To build things… I build furniture.  I really enjoy that.  I’ve been finding wood… it is a meager income.  Her parents decide that’s good enough.  They see how happy she is, and that she’ll be taken care of.  I have dark hair, and blue eyes… I have a beard and a mustache, I’m tall… lean… I have strong arms and a hairy chest.  We have two boys.  My wife is saddened that we haven’t had any girls yet.  I laugh, and tell her that girls are so much trouble.  She really wants a daughter… I tell her it’s best to have two brothers… and I see… Oh!  One of them is Chris… (He must’ve reincarnated after his death from sickness on the boat) the younger one… My other son is my brother Steve (in this current life).  Miranda, my daughter in this life, is my wife’s grandmother.  I call her my grandma too.  And she loves those boys… She’s so happy I met her granddaughter.

EC: And you and your wife love one another?

ME: Yes.  We don’t need much.  We are happy.  It’s a good life there… I was glad I came back from the island for this.

EC: Ok.  When I play the tone, let yourself move back into the spirit realm, allow yourself to get a sense now of your own soul group… Move there now… Allow the tone to take you deeper into the connection with your own soul group…

ME: Very large… I… It’s a mixture of many groups.  I’m being asked to go down to the large group.  I’m being asked to go, but I don’t have to…There’s so much to do.  I could stay… and be a spirit guide… I could stay and do that for them, but I said, “No, I will go down.  I will incarnate with them directly.  I can help them better that way.”

EC: You could help them more if you were physical?  If you incarnated physically?

ME: Yes.  Yes, and we’re internetworking… Sort of like a big… Forum.  Where we all decide we want to do this.  We want to make the most of our incarnation.  To leap forward.

EC: Ok, so you can move forward?

ME: Yes.

EC: Say more about that.  In what ways do you want to leap forward?

ME: To move up.  To move closer… To God.  To progress… To be done with the physical incarnations.

EC: If you wanted to, could you be done with physical incarnations?

ME:  Yes… I could have been done 3 incarnations ago.

EC: Ok, and why haven’t you stopped?

ME:  I had to finish this… I felt I had to.  I wanted to help, and I want to finish out… in the physical.  The small cracks… the small parts in my energy… They told me that would come with just helping from the spirit realm, and that being a guide would take care of it, but I wanted to do it myself (in the physical).  I sometimes like the longer or harder way.  I wanted to fill in my cracks, so I would be perfect.  Then I’d be the most effective Spirit Guide, and… I heal… and they come to me… they look for me… they all know my name…

EC: Who do you heal and how do you heal them?

ME: The souls, the people.  When they come across.  I touch them… I have a green energy I use… I touch their “bodies” or souls.  I… help “sew” them together again.  I re-assemble their broken energy (from particularly damaging lives).  I really like this part (of my job).  I like it more than being a guide almost.

EC:  And do you do this in the spirit realm or in the physical realm?

ME: I do it in the spirit realm, but I see… I’m drawn to that here (on earth) too.  I see that… I want to enfold my energies around them, like I do when they (the souls) cross over.  Sometimes I just fold around them.

EC:  In spirit realm you do this?

ME: Yes.

EC: Ok.

ME:  I do that… and there’s a lot of planning… I work with… So many spirits come up to me… all the time!  It almost reminds me of being in the pharmacy (my current job in this life).  Souls are bringing me questions… and… The planning… but it… seems to never slip out of my mind… the information I gather… I never have to worry about forgetting anything… things will happen how we decide.

EC:  In this incarnation of Beth, who is it you specifically came here to be a guide for besides Chris?

ME: Shannon (my friend)… My mother… Miranda (daughter)… Paul (husband)… Sam (son)… ALL of them.  I want to help ALL of them!  A whole procession of people now comes before me… some have come; some are with me, and a long procession that have yet to come to me.  I will nudge them in small ways… Nudge their minds into thoughts they wouldn’t have ever had without contact with me.  Just to get their minds thinking about… even if it’s just vague wondering… Thinking about the ascension plan.  It’s all helpful.

EC: Tell me in what ways are you most supposed to help your mother, Pat?

ME: To overcome fear.  That she has nothing to fear or worry about.  Her children are safe… She worries so much about everybody.  She doesn’t have to worry.  She needs to let go of that.  And Miranda… to grow her.  I… build people.  I’m a builder (by nature).  I like to build people.  I like to see what they can do, what they’re capable of on their own.  Just like when I’m a guide on the other side.  I give them a few things, and then see what they do with it.  I like to plant the seeds, I don’t want to do it for them, and that’s where my mother worries.  (Such as with my children) She worries I let them do too much, my kids.  I see that now… That yes, there is worry around how I let them ride motorcycles, and run around by themselves doing dangerous things in the woods.  They don’t learn if they don’t experience their limits!  I know they’re ok.

EC: And what are you here to most help your husband Paul with?

ME: (pause) He’s here to help me, actually.

EC: In what way?

ME: Reminding me… I’m not the body that contains me.  He’s here to keep me grounded, and keep me on track.  To not forget… the amnesia of starting over…(in a new incarnation).  His presence helps me remember who I really am.  I… He helps me unfold.  He’s on his own course, and he’s doing very well.  We… help each other in our weaker areas, and I remind him of compassion and to be tolerant.  He is a good person already, he has mastered many things…  He enjoys learning through physical rather than reading books like I do.  He enjoys experience first hand.  I see… I see in the spirit world… He is a green light… turning to blue…  Miranda is a violet/blue color… Sam is a green going blue too… but he… always picks such hard… paths.   He likes to bite off more than he can chew.  Ambitious, but that too can slow a soul down.

EC:  What is something that can be helpful for Samuel to know?

ME:  To relax.  To relax into it.  He resists.  He resists things.  He can be more effective if he doesn’t fight against his circumstances and surroundings.

EC: And now allow yourself to move up to a mirror that reflects back your own appearance and colors, and what do you notice?

ME: (some hesitation- I’m afraid to look!) I look… like a flower… white in the middle… Looks like opal.  It shimmers like opal in my middle.  Radiating out… I see a thin band of rainbow colors… all the colors are accounted for.  I feel… balanced.  The center is fully me… but it’s like everything… It’s not a color.  It shimmers.  Like… Light.  I see… when I started this life… Oh!  He’s here!!! It’s Eyohimir!!!  He is my (first) guide!  He is pure purple.  He stands behind me and he explains that, when I started this life, I was green, moving to blue but this last bit I didn’t have to finish (on Earth).  I could’ve finished on the other side as a guide.  He pats my back… He says I’ve taken a harder road, but it is good to help others.  It builds a soul even further to do it this way.

EC: How does he feel you’re doing?

ME: (long pause, listening to my guide) He says I judge myself… Strictly.  He laughs about that.  He says to keep going forward.  Forward exactly according to plan.  He says I’ve listened, and heard him… I’m getting it… I’m getting past it… Past… the barrier… the amnesia…(of incarnation).  Oh… the group… the group of us… We are refractors… We reflect light.  Oh!  (I gasp in surprise) We’re… moving up a level (in this lifetime)!!

EC: All of humanity is?

ME: Yes!  We’re going from orange, to yellow.  We’re going to jump together.  I want to help everyone move up together.  That’s what we came here to do.  We’re going to make a leap as a group.  A leap in consciousness.

EC: You mean all of humanity?

ME: Yes.  The entire planet.  Everyone.  We’re going to bring everyone.  Everyone makes the leap.  One step up to the next level of awareness, to level 3, we’re going up to yellow.

(Pause) I feel like we’re just walking quietly now.

EC: You and your guide?

ME: Yes.  We’re outside and it’s grassy.  He tells me now that it’s time to stop.  He says I will have to go.  He’s going too, but he’s ahead of me.  He just came back to meet me for this. (My Life Between Lives regression)

EC: Ask him if we can ask a question before he leaves?

ME: Yes.

EC: Beth wanted to know if there were any views or beliefs (of hers) that should be adjusted or corrected? (In this life)

ME: (Eyohimir speaking) None.  Nothing.  All is perfect, and as it should be.  What she doesn’t understand, she will in time.  It will all unfold.  Releasing judgment is key.

EC: Judgment regarding what?

ME: (Whispering) Myself.

EC: Releasing judgment of yourself?

ME: Yes.

EC: What judgments about “Self” should you release?

ME: That I can’t do this.  That I’m still not there, still not ready.

EC: The judgments of self that you’re “not there”?

ME: Yes.  That I’m not… that I will never be… good enough.  To be worthy.

EC: And where did these beliefs come from?  This incarnation or a different one?

ME: They’ve always been there… for a long time.  (Following me through many incarnations).

EC: Ok, become aware of the dense energy of your unworthiness.  If it’s not true, you can let it go.  Let it go from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy bodies.  You don’t have to hang onto that which is untrue.  You can release the energy of unworthiness, release the belief of it.  Let go of all that thought form energy.  In you body-mind-soul system, release it.  Let it all go.  It’s not true, and will only limit what you want to do.  Let go, you can feel it leaving… Feel with your senses that it is leaving… Can you feel it leaving?

ME: Yes, my guide and I turn to look at this energy going, and he says to you “thank you.”

EC: Yeah… Now this is what I like to do because I have been taught, when you took on that thought form/energy you lost some of your own “Self.”  Now you get back your own Self, your own potential that was lost, when you took on that thought form/energy.  Now let it all come back, back into you.  Body, mind, soul system.  Bring that back… Feel it coming back.

ME: Yes, it feels wonderful…

EC: Yes, bring it all back to that which was covered up… What does it feel like to get it all back?

ME: Deep peace.  I feel… bigger… fuller…

EC: More complete?

ME: Yes… Like I can do anything…

EC: You feel yourself as a being of pure creative potential.  Now I’m going to play a tone, while I play it, imagine cementing this energy; allow your consciousness to go deeper into the truth of your being and your potential…

ME: (After the tone is done, speaking very softly) So quiet… and I’m not alone… I’ve moved… Now there are four beings.

EC: Four Beings?

ME: Yes, they look like… Ovals or almond shaped pillars… There… They surround me… (Speaking barely above a whisper now) They love me.  They tell me there is more to do… It’s okay to go forward, and don’t worry about the others.  Peace.

EC: Ask them what is the best way to move forward?

ME: To let go… To trust… To love… I don’t have to “do” anything… I always feel like I have to do something, but I don’t have to do anything.  I simply have to want it.

EC: To want what?

ME: To go. To BE… Whatever perfect is.  It’s okay…

(Long silence)

EC: Just to accept your innate “okayness” now?

ME: Yes.

(Another long silence)

ME: So quiet, so peaceful…

EC: Are the Beings still with you?

ME: Yes

EC: Are you familiar with these Beings?  Who or what are these beings?

ME: (Very quietly and very slowly I say): They have loved me for a long long time… They’ve helped me from the beginning… I remember I used to be… intimidated by them… They are my council.  They said now that… That I hold on to… connections… to… I just don’t want to leave anybody behind.  That some of my group has already moved on ahead of me.  I know they’re waiting for me.  I don’t want to leave the others behind.  They said I have to trust.

EC: To trust that they (those souls I’m concerned about leaving behind) will be guided?

ME: Yes.  That they will be okay.  It’s only for a little while, and there are other things to do… It’s okay… Don’t worry about them, though I feel bad for their suffering… but each person has their own way to go, their own path to follow.

EC: What’s the best way for Beth to be in relation with them?

ME: Not judging… to be… exactly how I am as their guiding spirit.  To let that come to the surface, to embrace them as I do when we are in spirit.  To trust… to trust that if I forget, if I fail at this, there are so many others to step in… To ensure that my goals are accomplished.

I… am feeling like we’re moving forward… Like we’re moving higher and higher… We’re going to another place now.

EC: Ok, just be present with that, and report to me anything you notice, feel, observe, or experience as you move further and higher.

ME: It’s another… it feels like a place but, it’s full of light… All the lights are purple or blue and they go back and forth (to Earth).  Back down to help the other guides and souls and others in training, that are perfecting.  We’re stopping now, (the four Beings and I) and I feel like… This is where I learn.  This is where I rest, and where I enjoy myself.  This is where I experience my Light.

EC: Your own divinity?  Your own divine Light?

ME: Yes.

EC: And what does it feel like to experience your own Divine Light?

ME: I… don’t feel any suffering… Joy!  Oh I… Oh… I’m told this is just the edge.  There’s more to… This is the beginning of another stage.  That there is other work to be done… That this is a whole other group.  None of my soul group is with me here… This is part of what bothers me… But they tell me I can go back any time…

EC: You can go back at any time?  What is it like if you follow their advice?  What will it be like if you move forward with this new group?  Get a sense of what that would be like for you…

ME: We’re moving again.  We’re going to another area… and it’s… there is one (planet) that is just beginning.  That I helped start, but… they’re anxious for me to come help finish… I’m helping… another race of beings… We’re creating a planet for them to use.  For learning… Making mortal containers for mortal experiences.  This gives the opportunity to use a body for the ascension plan.  To perfect!  One Being in particular says… He likes my sense of humor.  He wants that incorporated into the mortal genetics.  It will add a particular flavor to their… experience.  We give ourselves to create with energy.  It is filtered through us.  I see… I am also helping with the animals.  I feel like They are gently pulling me away to come do this… Creating.  I am struggling with this.  I feel like I have last minute things I need to do… Before I fulfill the new function.  (The other souls here feel like they come from many different planets.  The “sense of humor” they talked about me contributing, is genetically from the whole human race, not just from me alone).

EC: What would be your function here?

ME: To watch.  To guide.

EC: Is this new planet like ours?

ME: No… No… It’s very quiet and peaceful.  There is nothing wrong here yet.  We’re working on it as a group.

EC: You’re working on this new planet?

ME: Um hm.  We watch how things grow and we help it along… sort of “tweak” it.

EC: Do some souls incarnate to that planet?

ME: Not yet.  Not yet… We’ve had visitors come look.  We have a start.  It hasn’t been (exactly) decided yet who’s going to live here.  It’s going to be used though.

There’s another planet dying… We’re going to use some of their DNA to help.  To jump-start a species on the planet.  So they don’t have to start as far back as we did.  They will begin slightly evolved, to start from, and then they can finish.  We need more information though, more instruction.  We’re not sure how to do this.  It’s part of my learning.  I don’t know how to do it exactly… I don’t want to make anything wrong!  We’re waiting for everyone to be there in our group, so we can learn together.  Then the new race will be ours to nurture.  There aren’t any oceans on this planet… There are rivers and streams and mountains… There isn’t any variation in atmospheric temperature… It’s always warm and tropical.  There is more oxygen, very little else in the air but almost pure oxygen.  We’re trying to get cycles of rain.  All the moisture right now is from the ground itself.  We’re looking into the rain… We need another way of making moisture.

EC: Are there animals?

ME: Yes.

EC: What are they like?

ME: All kinds… all very gentle… Um, there’s a big one.  It looks like an elephant, but not as big.  Not as long of a trunk.  It is grey, with a stripe down each side.  It has thick, fluffy fur… It’s kind of curly.  We think it will be useful to the new natives for both food and transportation, but the people… The people who will come… They don’t want to have to kill things, so we have to figure out how… How the people we are developing the planet for, can eat.  They say they don’t want to have to kill and eat things in that kind of life cycle.  They don’t want to… Start at that point.  Too far back.  It would be impossible for them, they say.  It would go against their souls.  They would be ineffectual hunters too.  So we decided to go back and think about it some more… How we can make it a place that will suit what they’re looking for.

They (the four Beings) are telling me now it’s time to go back.  This was just to show… It’s part of what I do.  We’re floating back now.  As a group, they move around me again like a globe.  They join at the points on the bottom and top.  I’m in the center and we’re moving back.  Ah… I see them all… It’s like everyone is working so hard… moving about.  (Joyous work!  Not at all like the drudgery we do on earth!)  Interacting… I’m now in a sort of public place…

EC: What place is it you’re at now?

ME: We’ve moved back, sort of outside a building where there’s learning.  I see now… there’s not a lot left.  I want to go back to my planet, (the one I’m helping create) but… I feel like I’m abandoning… but… they have their own guides…

EC: The planet you were just at?

ME: No.  Earth.  The souls on earth that I’ve worked with for so long.

EC: On earth.

ME: Yes.  It’s strange to move to something completely different.

EC: That’s some of the work you’re doing as a soul in the spirit realm?

ME: Yes.

EC: So you have work in many different areas, some on earth and some developing life on this other planet?

ME: Yes.  I don’t want to give any of it up.

EC: What do your guides or counsel say about this?  Do they say you need to give anything up?

ME: No… but at some point, I will need all of my energy…to go to the new planet.  I… All.. I can’t describe… I will need all my energy in one spot.  To learn new levels… of parenting.  Of being truly… a guiding force… I… don’t want to make any mistakes, but… there is a whole team of us.  I just enjoy so much… The bringing of people along…

EC: Helping them?

ME: Building them.

EC: Helping them grow?

ME: Yes!  This is why they want me now on the team of the other planet.  I am ready for that now.  I can visit here (Earth) again, but… my visits will be more spread out… and never again as a mortal human.  My spirit has to connect… become one with the other planet for a while.  To…help from the inside out… To… awaken it.

EC: Do you do that only in the spirit realm, or is it something you should try to do while here, using the life of Beth?

ME: I see how it projects out… I can bring it out… It’s how I draw (out) and make it grow in others.  Just by… proximity.  By intention.  By wanting.  I see there are many ways to do that.  Refracting energy… in others.  It’s all the same thing!  We have… a brotherly connection…

EC: Who’s “we”?

ME: All of us.  I see now that all ways are equal.  When you help one, you help us all.  (Long pause) I recognize all these spirits.

EC: You recognize ALL the spirits around you?

ME: Yes.  I recognize them.  I feel like I’m… Different in that… I want to be available… Like they can come to me.  I’m out and about a lot.

EC: You want to be available?  For them to approach you?

ME: Yes.

EC: For any council?

ME: Yes.  (Pause) I need to… Sometimes as I move, I listen to them.  I think… I stretch them… Not like judging… but challenging them.  I know they’re capable of more… always exponentially more…

EC: So tell me what you do much of the time in the spirit realm?

ME: I confer… The others… The counsel.  We discuss what a soul needs most.  We… plan.  We… decide.  We see… We see everything… We understand what they need.  We come up with their choices… of body… of life challenges… I enjoy this too, but I have to give it all up for a while to go to the other planet.  I need to continue on with my own journey.

EC: What do you most need as a soul?

ME: Trust.

EC: Trust in what?

ME: Trust in my path.  That there is only one-way.  All paths will eventually lead to this one way.  Trust that the puzzle pieces will fit and fall into place.  My path forward will form…

EC: You have to trust that others will grow and evolve?

ME: Yes, and I have my own path to trust.  We all have our own paths but we’re all… connected.  Always, in ALL WAYS.  We never really leave anyone.  I’m told I’m very close… Close to moving to the next step.

EC: Are there any other souls close, that can move with you?

ME: Not for a little while.  Miranda.  She’s getting close…

(Long silence)  I’m experiencing… Silence.  The Beings have moved around me… They’re… Beaming energy into me…

EC: They’re beaming energy into you?

ME: Uh Hm… I’m being given… a rest.

EC: You’re being given a rest?

ME: Yes.  To think about things… Process…

EC: Yes, let yourself rest.  Allow any insights to just drop in.  While you’re resting, would it be okay if I played this tone?  Allow the sound vibration to assist in the raising of your own vibration…

ME: (After tone is complete) As it was in the beginning, now and every shall be… No end.  No time.

EC: Ultimately, there is no time.

ME: Yes.

(Long silence- I feel as though time has stopped.  As though I’m being shown the peace and silence of timelessness).

EC: Is there anything else you should inquire about or ask these Beings?  If there is anything else you should ask about that has not been asked?

ME: There is no more information that can be shared at this time.

EC: Nothing more?

ME: No.  There is just a getting ready… ready for my next… journey.

EC: Ok, so is it possible that this incarnation of Beth will be the last human incarnation on the planet Earth?

ME: If I choose, yes, but I feel like… There’s one more thing… but I don’t have to…

EC: So the choice will be yours.

ME: Yes.  I’m being promised, that by the end, I will be fully awake.

EC: By the end of this incarnation?

ME: Yes, the last veil will be lifted by the end of this life.  They’ve promised me that.  They do not want to reveal too much now… Or it will ruin… The surprise at the end.

EC: The last veil will be lifted by the end of the life of Beth?

ME: Yes.

EC: Is there any information that can be given to your soul?  Anything that could help others in the life of Beth?

ME: Feelings… don’t lie.  If it feels wrong, it is wrong.  That is how the guides speak to us.  Through our consciousness.  Practice listening to them.

(Long pause of silence… Here I am feeling the deepest silence I have ever known… All thought has ceased.  I simply Am.)

EC: What are you noticing, or feeling or observing at just this moment?

ME: I am enveloped… in peace.  There is light all around.  There is still business on the outside, souls moving about, but I am in a deep deep peaceful state.

EC: Ok…

ME: I’m… experiencing… Receiving… an energy…

EC: What is the purpose of the energy that you are receiving?

ME: It is a form of rest.  It is quiet time.  Time… to rejuvenate.  It’s what we do… in preparation… It’s input.  Information.

EC: So just rest and soak this vibrational energy in… Would it be alright if I played the tone again?

ME: Yes.

EC: Just continue to soak up the energy and these high vibrations.

(A very very long silence follows, upwards of almost 15min… I don’t feel compelled to say or do anything further.  I just want to bask in this complete and deep silence as long as I’m allowed to by my Guides, trusting they will guide my hypnotist to speak and move me on when They are done).

EC: Is there anything else that you notice, or are observing or feeling?

ME: No… I feel they’re telling me to come back. (In a barely audible whisper) I don’t want to go…

EC: Ask them if there is a way that you can go with and tune into this energy again?

ME: Yes.  Become very still.

EC: Become very still?

ME: Yes, and I can use Reiki on myself… (That is one way that will begin the stillness process entry).

EC: Ok, to use Reiki on yourself.  Is there any other advice for the life of Beth?

ME: No, just go forward with bravery.  Proceed forward!

EC: Is there anything else that needs inquiring into regarding the life of Beth, or anyone else, before we come back?

ME: No.

EC: Ok, are we ready to come back?

ME: Yes.

(Now begins my awakening induction)

EC: So take a moment and bid farewell for now.  They are always around, it is just a journey inward to meet with them again, but now this time I want you to count up from 1 to 5, and allow yourself to emerge, to feel alive, refreshed, and better in every way.  One; you’re back together, in body, mind, and soul, all together.  Two; leaving behind any heavy dense energy that no longer serves the highest good of Beth, particularly the energy of unworthiness.  Letting that go now and forever, and instead bring back with you the wisdom, insight, and clarity your soul felt, the wisdom and insight of your own guides.  Three; you now begin to feel the full support of the chair beneath your back, beneath your legs, and take a deep breath into the body now as I count.  Four; feeling the arms and legs in the chair, feeling the body in the chair, feeling breath in the body, the link between the body and that eternal self.  As you focus on your breath, you tune into that part of you that is eternal.  One last breath… Five; wide awake, welcome back to this dimension!


ME: Wow.  I just wanted to stay there.  Was that real?

EC: Yeah, it was real.  This earth realm is more the illusion.  You have to go by what “feels” real.

ME: Mm Hmm

EC: Sometimes its that deep peace and joy.

ME: I wonder how long they would’ve let me stay there?

EC: What I’ve found is that your body can only withstand so much of that state.

ME: Yeah, I felt like they were saying, “it’s time to go back now.” (I noted with some surprise at this time, that it had been over 3 hours into my session!  It felt like I’d only been in the chair 20 mins!  One of my first thoughts was that I wasn’t really under hypnosis, and I’d wasted my money because only 20 min or so had passed and it hadn’t worked!  My sense of time had definitely been distorted).

EC: But your body can only take so much of that high vibration and you would’ve come back intuitively.

ME: I feel like I want to cry…

EC: Yes, this experience touches something deep within.  People often do cry after a session between lives.  Tears of joy.

ME: (Yes, joy).  Wow, there aren’t enough people doing this as professionals.  They should teach this in school…

(Here the tape recording is turned off)


My thoughts post session:


My first thought is that I can’t believe I was ever in a concentration camp!  In this life, I’ve never had any gut reaction to references of the Holocaust or anything Jewish.  It’s a horrible historical event, but I never felt anything personal about it.  However, if for the sake of arguing, that was a real life I’ve lived, then there is nothing about me that was damaged by it.  Should I hate Hitler?  I am still me; full of love and light, and no harm has come to me despite that past life.  Then am I to assume everyone else who went through something terrible like that is, or will be happy and whole too?  That means that anything that happens to me in THIS life will not harm me either.  There is nothing to fear.  The soul cannot be killed or harmed or damaged.  The body is nothing without us, but dust.  All is forgiven in the end.

Another thing I noticed was the all-encompassing sense of Oneness.  It appeared to me that energy flowed visibly everywhere, and that our souls looked liked bright spots amongst a sea of love.  I wasn’t aware of what I was looking at until recently during a brief meditation I was suddenly aware that God could hear me breathing.  This sensation went deeper, and I felt that God was inside my body, breathing along with me, and that my very cells were moving because of His love.  Nothing could be closer than this!  The protons and neutrons and electrons were all using God’s energy to spin and move.  Nothing exists by accident.  Then my awareness flowed outward to the people around me, and they too were being infused with God’s love and energy, and not just them, but everyone in the country.  Then my awareness flowed out around the whole world, and everyone in it was moving and living via God’s Will and energy.  Then I moved another step out into the solar system and around other planets with sentient beings living on them, and they too were immersed in this love and energy, and beyond them to the angels and beings I’ve never seen or heard of!  All without breaking my connection to the original energy that was breathing along with me, the energy that knows how many times my heart has beat.  Then I suddenly became afraid because I was so far out, and everything was so vast, and I came back to myself.  I realized how we were all one.  All interconnected.  Then this message came to me: we are collectively like a pond of water.  If a stone is thrown into the pond, only a few drops of water actually touch it, but the pond as a whole, experiences the stone.  Our individual souls are the drops of water that make up the pond.  What the pond experiences, we ALL experience together, even if the event doesn’t touch us directly.  What we do to one another, we do to all.  You do to yourself.  This is why it is so important you treat each other as you’d have yourself treated.  Do unto others!  This is how we are all connected by God’s love and energy.  I then understood what I’d seen while under hypnosis.  I saw how all the souls seemed to be individuals, yet completely connected at the same time.  We are all made of the same stuff, inside and out- we swim in it!  We are literally swimming in God.  To think we can somehow be separate and alone is impossible!  You just wouldn’t exist if that were true.  I also sense that we can direct this energy with our intentions and desires.  This is how we manifest what we think about.  God only wants us to have what we want, and to be happy!  What you have in your life right now is there because on some level, you have asked for it.

The thing is, I now see that there is no love but Gods.  All other “love” is false.  The only true love is the unconditional kind, the kind that does not change, and cannot be taken away, like we do to each other.  Ours is a love that can get angry, or threatens to leave, or hates.  True love is incapable of turning into something else!  There is not one single person on this planet that truly knows how to love.  The same is true of forgiveness.  If anyone truly knew how to forgive as God does, then it would be as though the event had never taken place.  Much like my incarnation as a Jew.  It’s as though it never happened.  All is forgiven.  If you think you have forgiven someone truly, then is your heart at peace to the extent it’s as though the event never happened?  And then ask yourself if this is true of everything anyone has ever done to you?  That is the depth of God’s forgiveness towards us.  Not just forgotten, but as though it never was.  If we leave even one person or thing un-forgiven, then we do not know how to forgive at all.  Either all is forgiven or nothing is.  There is not one single person on this planet (including myself) that understands love or forgiveness.  The wonderful thing is though, I see now that this ability to love and forgive is returned to us once we leave our human bodies behind.  We shed the ego and return to the pure state that is natural to us.  So, how then do we achieve this while in human form?  I now understand that this is the goal of our incarnations- to achieve this level of love and forgiveness and bring it to earth.  This is why we’re here and what the planet needs most.  What humanity is striving for!  This is accomplished by one simple thing:  to understand and know that none of this is real, and that none of it is anything you want.  All that surrounds us can be discarded.  The only thing that is real is what you can take with you when you die.  So far as I’ve seen, that’s only your soul.  Let every thing else go- the body, the material accumulations we strive for, and the accolades we want others to give us. None of it is important or even real.  Once we can look past all the garbage, we can see each other as we truly are, and from that vision will true love and forgiveness flow.  Then we will bring heaven to earth.


A Fascinating Past Life Account

A Fascinating Past Life Account

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Recently a client sent me a narrative of her past life regression that she wrote as part of a collection of past life experiences that I’m gathering for a book. It was a fascinating session on many levels, so with her permission I’m sharing it here. Since her soul had been an American soldier fighting in Vietnam prior to this life, the information that she obtained in the regression experience was recent enough that it could be verified through research. The session demonstrates many things besides the authenticity of past life memories and our transcendent soul nature: (1) very young children can often be aware of the spiritual realm until they learn to shut it down later in life; (2) souls can travel across the world after death to be with loved ones, and then later be aware of how their loved ones are getting along; (3) souls often incarnate in groups; (4) love transcends time and space; (5) the subtle feelings you receive from your soul are worth listening to; (6) although this physical life may seem like it’s all there is, the lives behind the forms here are involved in another experience in the spiritual dimension, and they can intersect with ours. I’m sure there are others that you may pick up on. I’ll add on a side note that, interestingly, this is one of several cases recently in which a client has reported a huge spike in intuitive abilities that somehow got kicked off after their session. The veil between this physical realm and the spiritual is getting thinner.

Enjoy this fascinating account. It could have been much longer, but has been written in a condensed version.


“Throughout high school I had a persistent urging to do a past life regression.  I had read books on the subject but had no idea where to go about finding someone who would be able to do something like this.  I often thought about my career goals and had an inner knowing that I wanted to work in a Medical Examiner’s Office and specifically helping families find answers to why their loved ones had died.  Although I had not personally experienced death, I often dreamed that I was a man floating above my body as it was leaving this earth.  I would wake up crying because I missed my former family so much.  It felt strange but at the same time so real.  It was almost immediate upon enrolling in college with Mortuary Science as my major, that these dreams subsided.  Upon graduating from college, I landed my first job as a funeral director.  Although I wanted to work in a Medical Examiner’s office, at the time it wasn’t something readily available and I had this nagging feeling I wasn’t qualified or skilled enough to meet the requirements.  I worked as a funeral director for approximately one year.  In hindsight I realize that the hostile work environment, while extremely challenging at the time, was in many ways a mixed blessing.  Feeling somewhat downtrodden and dissatisfied, I resigned from that place of employment and which literally empowered me and gave me the necessary time to set about doing a few things on my “bucket list.”

The internet was very resourceful to learn more about past life regression and how to go about making an appointment.  When Eric’s name came up, I had a strong intuitive response and immediately knew he was the person I needed to go visit.  I wasted no time scheduling my appointment.  In a way, I felt like this was just a way to entertain my long-standing curiosity and I would go with an open mind and see where it would take me.  I honestly wondered if perhaps this might be a little over the top but there was no way I was going to miss this opportunity.

On the day of my session, Eric and I discussed my purpose for coming and I expressed that I wanted clarification as to what I should be doing in regard to my career.  We also talked about what a normal session would be like and that if at any time I did not feel comfortable enough to continue he would bring me back to a safe place and I was free to express my concerns.  I quickly settled into a state of relaxation and Eric asked me questions about what was coming to me.  I began seeing static, sort of like that of when you push your fingers into your eyes.  While I was present with that I observed it turning into black and white rushes and forming plant-like shapes.  After what seemed like seconds of this, I began to see green jungle-type trees and a lush array of green plants that appeared to be everywhere.  Suddenly, I sensed myself in chaos, in a jungle, there was fighting.  Eric asked me to look down.  I noticed that I was wearing black combat-type boots, green itchy clothes, and could feel a helmet on my head, and my hand and arm clinging onto a rifle.  I kept turning, watching my back, knowing there was an enemy closing in on me.  My comrades were beside me.  Panic was overtaking me and just then I saw bright flashes of white light from bombing and fire.  Eric sensed my anxiety and gently asked me to let go of that realm and back into a gentler and earlier time in my life.

Before me was a red barn, tall green fields of corn, and a white-washed fence.  Tears flowed down my cheeks and I began crying.  There was a consuming feeling that I did not want to leave my family behind; I did not want to go to war.  As my sobbing increased, I could sense Eric’s concern as he asked me what was my name and about my hometown.  I actually gave him a person’s name and the state I was living in at that time.  He asked me to go back in time even further.  I breathed a sigh of relief and there I was a young boy, perhaps about 10 years old.  I was sitting on a bar stool in what appeared to be an old soda shop from the 1950’s.  My parents were behind me and my three siblings were off to the side playing.  Gazing out the window, I was observing cars from the 1950’s era driving down the street.  This was my childhood and it felt so familiar.

Again, Eric asked me to go forward in time.  I am seeing a pregnant young woman and a 2- or 3-year old boy next to her holding her hand.  I recognized her immediately as my wife, and coincidentally enough, she looks exactly like I do now.  I am feeling an excitement as our second child is soon to be born.  A sadness and tears flow again.  I have a consuming feeling that I don’t want to leave them behind.  Eric senses this and again took me forward in time.

I am at base camp.  I see a large green truck with what looks like a white star on the side.  There are endless small buildings every direction, planes overhead, a landing strip in the middle of the camp, and a tall sniper tower.  I turn around and see men in white jackets behind me and feel surrounded by troops at the camp.  I am walking into a building and there dead bodies scattered endlessly.  Oddly enough, I am not scared.  Eric asked me at this point if I see any combat and then the scene changes.

My vision turns black.  I cannot feel my lower legs, and a prickly sensation vibrates up through my upper legs.  I am walking in something deep like thick mud or quick sand.  My gun is heavy above my head; it is night-time and I am in a heavy swamp.  There’s a comrade on each side of me and we move together as a unit.  We make out a vision of a small boat in the far distance; there are men on it, and they are wearing pointy hats.  I struggled to site in my rifle and was aiming when suddenly I am blacking out.

I have no idea how much time has passed but I am waking up in what seems like a prison.  My hands are tied above my head in a dimly lit room.  There is a man in some sort of cage to my left.  There is also something very significant about him, but I cannot comprehend what it is.   There are many fellow comrades and they are caged and tied up as well.  I see a man in a chair that is tilted back being water boarded and it is by Viet Cong.  A dense and overwhelming sense of doom comes over me and I desperately need to get out of here.  At that point, Eric again sensing my anxiety, suggested moving forward in time.

I am lying on the ground in some sort of field, on my belly, my face sweats of blood and there’s a sensation that my face is smashing in on me.  I feel the uniform that I am wearing.  My strength is draining and I am so weak.  Seconds later my spirit is rising and it is leaving my body.  However, there is still a perpetual sadness.  I am missing my family; I want to be at home.  I resist rising with my spirit and hang on with all the resilience I can muster.  I need to see my family.  I get a vision of me beside our toddler.  He is in a highchair.  He sees me.  He is giggling and waving at me.  My wife and other son are with him.  I am here; how can they not see me.  This contributes to my intense grief.  The baby continues to realize my presence and we have this almost telepathic way of communicating.

My wife goes through a dark period of time after my passing.  Eventually she remarries.  I do not like her new husband.  I see a dark shadow around him as if he were wearing a dark suit and hat all the time.  He seems like some sort of a salesman.  Again, I am pulled into the moment realizing I am crying and that all encompassing sense of missing my family is filling my heart.  I have a knowing that they feel like I ran away and deserted them.  My body has not been found.  At that point, Eric gently guides me to my afterlife and asks me to describe my experience.  I experience a huge shift into the most beautiful, peaceful, and loving place and feel like I am a part of it.  It is beyond words as if being part of a heaven beyond what we are capable of even imagining.

At this point in time, Eric asks me about my family from that lifetime.  I know my sons are still alive and living in the state that I was able to pinpoint earlier.  He asks me about my wife and I see a rural cemetery where she is buried.  The date on the tombstone is 1989, which is after I was born in this current lifetime.  I begin to feel her spirit and a heartfelt elation comes over me.  It almost feels like I am having some sort of outer space experience.  I see her outline as a female with a glowing pure white star where her heart should be.  It feels like we are locked in hug that should go on for eternity.  We belong together in this realm and are reunited at such a soulful level.

Eric asks how she died and she points to her heart.  I have a knowing that she is still in the spirit world and she tells me that she is going to come back to me in another form.  She will be incarnated and born to me as my daughter one day.  She assures me we will be together again.  I feel another male spirit kind of “butting in” and Eric wants me to talk to him.  This spirit looks the same as my wife except for a male outline to his spirit.  He takes me back to the torture scene and shows me that he was the man next to me in the cage.  We had so often talked about going back to Nashville where he was from and that we were going to make it out of this prison together.  Eric asks me if this person had reincarnated and he responded to me that he was for a while but died as a baby.  Eric asks me if I knew him and I answer, “of course, he was our neighbor’s baby that died a month before I was born!”  Our mothers were pregnant together much of the same time.  Eric asks me if he knew he was going to die and he replied “I died of SIDS and I did not necessarily know that was going to happen.  It is okay though because we will meet again in this lifetime when I am born as your son.”

Needless to say, this experience with Eric was deeply profound.  I found so many answers to questions that I earlier could not even be prolific in identifying.  What was deeply moving was the emotional breakthrough into feelings I had never come close to touching.  They were so real and so intense.  My heart experienced a thawing and for the first time ever, I was in touch with who I really am on a deeper level.

I went into this session with Eric wondering about my career goals and came out knowing my life purpose.  I was put on this earth to be the voice of the deceased and give families answers that they need to know or hear in order to begin healing and finding peace in the passing of their loved ones.  I know this especially because of the pain I felt in my family by what they went through not knowing.  I realized that my vision of working in a Medical Examiner’s office is exactly what I needed to pursue.

Not only do I know why I was put on this earth, but I know that I will get to be with my soul mate (my wife from the past life who will be in a precious form which I can love and nourish) as well as my future son and that death is never the end and love really does have an eternal realm.  I have learned how to love and appreciate the people important to me in this life and also how to empathize and have compassion for people in a variety of life circumstances.

I want to end this on a note where I am proud to say that a few months after my session with Eric, I was offered and secured a position at a Medical Examiner’s Office.  I absolutely LOVE my job!  I also have realized my life partner in this realm and we are engaged.  Had I not done a past life regression, I shudder to think that I might still be stuck in a same old previous pattern and going through life half-heartedly coherent enough to know something significant was just under the surface but clueless as to what that might be.  Most importantly is that I have learned what it means to love another person in a spiritually unconditional way regardless of gender, circumstances, and have experienced  how that eternal love transcends time and space.  In miraculous ways this regression session with Eric integrated an unconscious past into a current consciousness where I am much more aware of life on many levels and with this special knowing the past integrates and guides me as I move forward.  With this known confidence, I am able to deal with challenges from a much higher state of consciousness and assist others as circumstances present, not only in everyday life but in my career with the Medical Examiner’s Office.”

Jewish reincarnation story

If We Knew Who We Really Were…

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In 2003, I attended the first World Congress of Regression Therapy in Holland. Dr. Eli Lasch, a German-born Jewish medical doctor, healer and past life regression therapist from Israel, presented a fascinating paper. He detailed three verified accounts of clients who died in past lives near or in Germany around WWII, and within a few years reincarnated into different religions.

In one of these cases, a Jewish woman came to him from Jerusalem because of nightmares. She was American-born from the Boston area, but moved to Jerusalem to get closer to her Jewish heritage. In her nightmares, she was in a concentration camp, not as a Jew but as a German wearing a swastika on her arm. Dr. Lasch regressed her to a past life as a young German girl in a small town in southern Germany. (He later verified her name through birth records.) Her father had returned from WWI with an amputated leg. He was embittered, cruel and anti-Semitic. Around the age of 16, she ran away from the brutality of her father. Eventually, she worked as a guard in the Auschwitz concentration camp. She recalled how powerful it felt to finally hold the club rather than cowering from one. Through this seductive power she became a cruel guard. After Auschwitz was liberated in 1945, she was arrested and hung as a Nazi war criminal in 1946. Dr. Lasch again verified her name through death records. Even up until her execution, she felt little remorse. It was only in the soul realm when she felt regret over the harm she had caused others in her life. Her soul then decided to incarnate into the group of people she had abused and persecuted. She was born into an upper-middle class Jewish family in 1948, in a suburb of Boston. As she grew older, she felt compelled to move to Jerusalem to experience and immerse herself in her Jewish heritage.

What is the moral of this true story? Perhaps it is to be careful who you discriminate against because you, as a soul, may chose to incarnate into the very group of people that you judge most harshly. How would it affect the world if we all knew this as fact? How would it affect hate groups? How would it affect you? This is the direction we are moving towards as the veil becomes thinner regarding our permanent soul nature. As souls, we are interested in growing, awakening, evolving and also to learn balance. We’re trying to learn to love our neighbor as ourselves, not only because it’s the nice thing to do, but because our neighbor is ultimately our Self. We are here to see past our surface differences to our true Selves in each other.

Past Life Regression’s Greatest Attribute

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of the most important insights that past life regression offers is the realization that you are an immortal being. This truth more deeply sinks into the subconscious mind as a result of connecting to the soul part of you that already knows this truth, and the trickle-down benefits are subtle, yet profound. You are a soul here and now, which means that you never die. Something that would significantly help the planet would be for individuals to wake up to their immortality. Evidence of our immortality is reflected in the thousands of cases of accurate past life recall.

As we deepen in the awareness of our immortality, it slowly dawns on us that we are merely role-playing here. The goal of this game of human life is to find lasting happiness. We search outside of ourselves for awhile until a turning point in the soul’s evolution steers our focus inward. As we deepen our search, we can experience peace, lightness and love, until one day we realize that these states are not states at all, but characteristics of the deepest part of our being, available when we’re free of the mind’s buzzing turmoil. Eckhart Tolle points out that the key to this freedom is to take the focus off of the content of our minds and place it on the eternal ‘beingness’ or pure, unfiltered conscious-awareness that provides the backdrop of all of our mind’s content…the part of you that can be aware of a passing mood or thought. Yet forgetfulness happens repeatedly, and again we identify with the human part of us that is burdened with our opinions and worries until we once again remember the truth of our being.

The human experience is one of forgetfulness, and also of getting lost…lost in the world of the mind and all of our beliefs about what’s true, about who we are, and things on the ‘to-do’ list. This is my challenge, as well as most of us.

A natural quality of waking up to the most permanent part of you is acceptance. As we live from surrendered acceptance, we can fully participate in the ups and downs that life offers without wanting to escape or be fearful. There is a natural acceptance of ‘what is’, even if it brings unwanted emotions, because it becomes safe to fully feel emotions. When you know you’re role-playing, any emotion can be a rich, textured experience, even the grief from loss. I know people who won’t allow themselves to love again because of the pain of loss. Past life regression usually unveils the illusion of loss, making it safe to love, and feel hurt, and then deeply love again. It also cuts through the illusion of fear, allowing you to know what it would feel like to securely live from your full potential, free of any limiting beliefs and subtle anxieties that hold you back.

A natural acceptance of other’s beliefs is an important, key by-product of identifying with our true immortal selves, given the diversity on our planet. Nobody’s beliefs or dogmas, including our own, need to be taken personally. It’s recognized that all beliefs are products of the human conditioning process, and who and what we ultimately are transcends all beliefs. Then we can accept one another. We don’t have to agree with or even like each other’s limiting beliefs, but there can be a recognition that beneath all beliefs there is something in common….we are immortal, we come from the same energy source, and we have each blindly forgotten this truth. Yet that’s not a problem, because it’s that way by design. It’s the play of the divine Oneness, also known as God’s “Lila” in the Hindu tradition, that we’re all a part of. The goal of this play is to awaken to who we really are, and therefore out of our judgments of ourselves and others. Adyashanti, an awakened teacher, says the best indicator of our spiritual growth is how accepting and tolerant we are with those of opposing belief systems. From the vantage point of the highest dimension of yourself, there is no effort to accept, you are acceptance itself because everyone and everything else is a part of you, whether they’re conscious of that fact or not. Furthermore, it’s impossible to be separated from this part of you, as it’s the backdrop of your beingness. It merely gets overlooked during the human hypnotic experience. A deep inner journey, whether self-guided or guided, can make this evident.

It has been said by many these days that it is imperative that we wake up to our immortality which transcends all of our worries and judgments about ourselves and others. When we can sense and know the sameness beneath our differences, then we can realize that we are all one consciousness, albeit lost and operating through seven billion unique filters of programming and conditioning, resulting in various degrees of suffering. The natural emotion that arises from this realization is compassion. The differences that divide can be washed away by a mere perception shift towards truth and away from the illusion that is mind-created. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” That which divides is illusion. In fact, the only thing that separates anyone from all of their divine qualities is an illusory thought and perspective. This is not a philosophy, but a truth that can be known only in one’s own direct, immediate experience. Deep inner journeys such as past life regression can help you remember not only the truth of yourself, but also offer a glimpse of the reality behind the trials of human life. What is the next level of evolution that your soul is nudging your personality to experience? Go within and find out.