Entries by Eric Christopher

How to Live in Wild Times

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Perspective is a key to happiness. From a higher perspective, it might be helpful to ask the question: Why is it that this earth realm is the realm of fear, loss and brokenness? Because this is the place we’ve elected to come to challenge ourselves as souls. Challenges are our means of personal and spiritual […]

The Death of My Mother

Reading Time: 3 minutes

My mom died two weeks ago. It came as a relief as her 20 year struggle with Parkinson’s had taken its toll. By the end she couldn’t speak or move, although we knew she could hear us as her breathing would change and speed up, or she would get teary when we would share memories […]

Times of Change

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We are in eclipse season according to astrologers…June 5, 21, and July 4-5. Eclipses represent beginnings and endings. It’s not uncommon to experience turmoil that proceeds times of change, and that is precisely what we are experiencing now on the planet…with Covid-19, George Floyd’s murder, polarizing political beliefs, etc. As the consciousness level of the […]

Freedom and Truth – a Perception Shift Away

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many months ago, I wrote an article for The Edge Magazine, a valuable resource for anyone on a journey of personal and spiritual growth and evolution. Last December’s topic of the month was on living without fear with trust in the divine. Since that seemed quite relevant to these Covid-19 times, and helping people do that […]

How to Respond in This Moment in Time?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“We are no doubt at a very critical point in time. Our world hangs in balance, and a very precarious balance it is. Awakening to Reality is no longer a possibility; it is an imperative. We have sailed the ship of delusion about as far as she can carry us.” – Adyashanti, The Way of […]

Spiritual Perspectives on Coronavirus

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Death is absolutely safe!” — Ram Dass Some thoughts dropped into me as I listened to a client discuss her fears surrounding the Coronavirus… fears that are reflective of what many people are feeling these days, as stores are being sold out on many items such as disinfectants and toilet paper. Fears can be used […]

Awakening to Our Soul’s Purpose

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Several months ago, I wrote an article for The Edge Magazine. The Edge is a free local magazine and a valuable resource for anyone on their journey of personal and spiritual growth and expansion. Each month, The Edge Magazine features a new topic. Last September’s topic was about how to discover our soul’s purpose. Since helping […]

new book release — Wisdom of Souls

Reading Time: 2 minutes

24 years ago I read the book Journey of Souls by Michael Newton and it changed my life. It propelled me into doing the work that I do now. Journey of Souls is a must read for anyone beginning the personal and spiritual path of healing, evolving and awakening into a higher level of conscious awareness. Because […]

Symptoms of Childhood Emotional Neglect

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I’ve been seeing a lot of clients lately who have grown up with Childhood Emotional Neglect. In these cases, an effective means of helping to heal from the impact of emotional neglect is the Emotional Healing and Awakening session. Sometimes the beliefs of unworthiness or shame that get formed are so deeply rooted in the […]

Bridging Science, Human Development and Enlightenment

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I like to use this blog to introduce ideas, people and resources for the purpose of personal and spiritual development. Today I’d like to share about the work of Dr. David Hawkins, an enlightened, yet scientific-minded individual who created a bridge between science, human development and enlightenment. Two of his well known books are Power […]