Awakening to Our Soul’s Purpose
Several months ago, I wrote an article for The Edge Magazine. The Edge is a free local magazine and a valuable resource for anyone on their journey of personal and spiritual growth and expansion. Each month, The Edge Magazine features a new topic. Last September’s topic was about how to discover our soul’s purpose. Since helping people do that is often what my work is about, I wrote on this theme. It’s also an article that helps people understand a bit more about the process of past life regression…a practice that is easily misunderstood until you actually experience it firsthand. Below is my article….please enjoy!
An effective way of finding your soul’s purpose is to directly connect with your soul self. This is not as difficult as most people would think because you already are your soul self. One day you won’t be your body, but try as you might, you can’t ever NOT BE your soul self…the part of you that survives all of your lifetimes.
I use the modality of past life and life-between-lives regression to help people connect with one’s soul self. It provides a step-by-step process to quiet the analytical thinking mind and go within to make a more “solid” connection to that which you already are. When your mind is like a blank canvas, and you have set the intention to gain insight into your soul’s purpose, you have created a great foundation and opportunity to receive what you are requesting.
Past life regression can be viewed as a guided journey to “disidentify” with your present body/mind system, assume a different body/mind personality, and finally “disidentify” with them both when the past life comes to an end. When this happens, you begin to take on the perspective of the soul self which transcends all lives. Typically you are shown a life that provides the wisdom, insight and clarity to help you heal, grow and awaken. Why does this happen? Because, as one of my client’s guides said, “Just as the body’s instinct is to breathe, the soul’s instinct is to grow and evolve.” Therefore, as you go within, you often get precisely what you need to move forward in your life, or gain clarity on your present life’s purpose if it is requested.
For example, when one of my clients recently did a past life regression to better understand her soul’s purpose for this life, she was shown a life in which the person she had the deepest connection with, her mother, had died of a disease when she was 8 years old. The loss of her mother was such a blow to her that it caused her to guard her heart for the rest of her life. Although she married a loving husband, she could not fully take in his love and held a bit back from fully loving her family. When that life was over, she reunited with her mother’s soul essence and reviewed that life. She regretted the subconscious decision to hold back from fully loving in that life due to the subconscious fear of getting hurt, and realized that she was doing the same thing in this life ever since her parents separated around the age of 6, when she felt as if she lost a connection with them both. She realized that one of her soul’s purposes in this life was to learn to deal with loss in a healthy, awakened way, rather than in a way that shut her down. Since then, she has been healing her present life emotional wounds, making deeper connections in her relationships, and is helping others do the same by viewing loss as a temporary challenge.
During life-between-lives sessions, people spend the majority of their sessions in the spirit realm connecting with guides at an even higher vibration level. While there, I’ve noticed several themes when people are seeking answers regarding their soul’s purpose. They often discover their soul’s purpose to be about being proactive in creating a life that gives them the most satisfaction…which, from that high level of consciousness, is usually about creating a life that involves helping others or contributing to society in a way that combines their own interests, gifts and strengths. I’ve also noticed that people often discover their purpose to be about becoming deeply present with life, fully appreciating people, pets, sunsets, a cup of tea, etc., rather than being lost in their mind’s chatter, or else operating from their fears and concerns which no longer seem valid from the vantage point of the soul which cannot be hurt. Finally, people deeply understand that their lives will be most satisfying if they can allow themselves to express the highest level of love and connection while in the physical form. We often discover that we’ve held ourselves back in various ways from these expressions in some of our other lives due to subtle fears in the human experience. Past life regression and life-between-lives is all about becoming aware of our learned subconscious patterns that no longer benefit us.
The theme of inner journey work is: “As you go within, you nearly always get what you are searching for.” Therefore, if you’re interested in your soul’s purpose, go within to connect with that which you already are.
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