Spiritual Awakening, Trauma Healing and Past Life Regression Therapy Blog

Spiritual evolution, awakening, trauma healing and past life regression therapy have been my passion for the past 30 years. They are all linked together and interconnected. Therefore, you will find over 100 blog articles that have to do with growing, evolving, awakening and healing both personally and spiritually. Most of the articles were written my me, while others are inspiring wisdom from others.

In the past 23 years of practicing past life regression and also my present life emotional healing technique, I have witnessed how powerful these sessions can be to heal trauma and change lives in just one session. The effects of a session can often be life changing, providing higher perception shifts which can create mental, emotional and many times physical healing.

More and more people are awakening to the truth that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Since you cannot separate yourself from this eternal part of you that is whole and complete, it only makes sense that you can tune into this aspect of yourself for guidance, insights and healing.

Several examples of sessions can be found under the section called past life regression case studies. Please enjoy perusing over these articles below… many of which I’m sure you will find insightful and inspiring.

Each Person’s Uniquely Tailored Path of Growth and Awakening

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ever notice how you read a book that subtly yet profoundly changes your life perspective in a positive way, and then when you enthusiastically share it with others, some may love it while others either don’t care or have a negative response to the book? I remember that happened to me 20 years ago after […]

Advice on Creating a Successful Marriage

Reading Time: < 1 minute

My wife Maggie emailed me a link to an article that I’m sharing below with you, with the words “Let’s read this together and discuss.” The article was right up our alley, partly because we both have degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy, but more because we each had made the same resolution to ourselves […]

Himalayan Singing Bowl Demonstration

Reading Time: < 1 minute

If you’ve done a session with me, you’ve probably felt the effect of the singing bowls that I use. They had an impact on Lynn Selene, because during a Life-Between-Lives session, she received the inspiration and direction to incorporate singing bowls into her life. I am sharing a video of Lynn playing her Himalayan Singing […]

Ancient Teachings Give Insight Into Current Times

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Today is the Presidential Inauguration Day. It is greeted by cheers or sadness or anger. It marks a shift in the endless cycle of collective thinking. No matter how you interpret this shift, whether forwards or backwards, it can be viewed as an opportunity for growth as individuals and for society. Keep in mind that […]

Alternative Ways to Heal Depression and PTSD

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I recently wrote the article below for the Edge Magazine. Although I specialize in dealing with the emotional causes of depression, anxiety and PTSD, there are a number of different ways that can also help with these issues. Below is the article that discusses some of these other approaches. Please enjoy: After working on a […]

Channeled Wisdom After Election Day, 2016

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Like nearly everyone, I have within my circle of family and acquaintances those who applauded the Trump presidential victory and also those who felt traumatized by it. In the days after the election, I received a channeled message from a friend and his wife, both of whom are psychic as well as mediums. I shared […]

Barbro Karlen to Visit the Twin Cities

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Barbro Karlen is one of the most fascinating people I have ever met. As a two year old, she told her parents that they were not her real parents…her real parents would be picking her up soon. She also knew her name was not Barbro, it was Anna. As a child she had many vivid […]

Healing Past Trauma

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the realm of my work, my two biggest passions are to: (1) guide people to become aware of the spirit realm and their own higher spiritual self that is always there behind the scenes of their lives; and (2) help people to release and heal the limiting thoughts, emotions and beliefs that they are […]

“Stories of the Afterlife”….your Life Between Lives

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Twenty years ago, I read a book which transformed my life called Journey of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton. I was transfixed, and as I read it, I finally knew deep down what I was meant to do with my life, which was to get training by Michael Newton before he retired, and then do […]

A Mindful Response to Terrorism

Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of my favorite quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh is: “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” His eloquently simple words are packed with truth and wisdom that come from an awakened awareness, a higher perspective than the fear-based consciousness of separation that is inherent in the human condition. I wanted […]