Raising Your Consciousness

Reading Time: < 1 minute

One thing that may help to reduce stress is to try being the witness of your mind. Be the one to use your thoughts, rather than allowing your thoughts to subtly use you and well as dictate your mood. Eckhart Tolle writes, “The moment you start watching your thoughts, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated.” Here is a quote from his book “Practicing the Power of Now”:

“The single most vital step on your journey toward enlightenment is this: Learn to disidentify from your mind. Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger. One day you may catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head (from past conditioning) as you would smile at the antics of a child. This means that you no longer take the content of your mind all that seriously, as your sense of self does not depend on it.”

Imagine yourself to be the sun, unaffected by the racing clouds of thoughts that come and go passing beneath it. Or think of yourself as the screen upon which all thoughts and opinions, etc. come and go. Throughout our life there has a continual stream of ever-changing thoughts and moods. But what is the one thing that remains the same in this world of impermanence? The part of you that can observe a passing feeling or thought. The “I” that can say, “I’m feeling sad,” while the next day say, “I’m now feeling happy.”

It’s a very subtle yet profound process, which can help one move toward a sense of freedom.

What We Are

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I often ask my clients toward the end of a session: “Is there anything in the universe that can harm you? The answer is always an immediate, definite and emphatic response, “no!” That’s a strange answer to anyone. The world is full of things that can harm us. But in that moment, they are responding from a timeless aspect of themselves that lacks nothing and has no fears, a soul dimension.

We are multi-dimensional beings. Of course we are separate individuals, who can deny that? But that’s only one relative level of truth. Another part of us is the energy, light and consciousness that animates the body. You could call that a “more real” aspect of ourselves because it’s eternal and doesn’t rot like the body. You can’t harm a soul with a knife because it’s pure energy. Probably the best evidence that we are soul beings using a body is in the fast growing cases of children remembering accurate past life information, or subjects who have done a past life regression and later verify the details obtained from it. Certain cases are solid.

But even the fact that we are different souls using a body is a relative level of truth. A ‘higher’ truth is that all souls come from the same one creator energy source, so there is oneness under the surface. We are like unique, individual waves that forgot we are also the ocean. But this forgetfulness is part of the design, and seeing through it is to awaken from any suffering that is inherent to the dream. Thich Nhat Hanh says,“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.”

This highest dimension of ourselves can be glimpsed at any moment. In fact, it’s only available here and now. When you are fully present with a flower, a latte, a person, the wind, a cat or the smell of dead leaves, in that moment you are not in the world of the mind which subtly pulls you into the future or past. Instead, you become pure presence and awareness…effortless and changeless…limitless and indefinable.

Though life experiences come and go, there is something that is unchanging – that which can be aware of any passing thoughts, moods or experiences. It’s that same sense of “me” that exists at age 5, 25, or 85. This awareness even transcends the body according to cases of near death experiences.

So who are we? It depends on which dimension of ourselves we choose to identify with. Identifying with our higher dimensions brings a natural by-product of more compassion, empathy and love. Judgment falls away because we don’t identify others with their opinions, moods or actions, but see these as a product of their ongoing programming and conditioning. At a higher level, they are what we are — changeless awareness that transcends the stories of who we are.

Little girl running on pathway in Sun moon lake, Taiwan.

One Way to Wake Up

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There’s a part of you that needs and seeks security, love and contentment, and a part of you that already is all of those characteristics. How do we access this aspect of ourselves that lacks nothing and views the world from a viewpoint of love and wisdom? Hint: it’s the timeless soul part of you that is animating your body as you read this…the part of you that you can never shake yourself loose from because you are it. For most of us, this may only be an intellectual concept that we may or may not believe, but how do we actually experience and deeply feel this aspect of ourselves? To tune into the pure energy part of us that survives beyond this space/time dimension, we have to apply our moment-to-moment focus and attention inwards. When we do this, we leave this realm of time, space and form behind (not our body, but our awareness) and start to gradually tune into the soul aspect of ourselves. The outcomes of this are a deep sense of peace, and also information comes to us in more of a “telepathic” way that feels like a combined download of snapshot images and intuitive “inner knowings”. As we continue to focus inward, the deep contentment and stillness expands, we experience a “knowing” that this is our truest nature, and thus we begin to identify with it far more than the incessant, often negative mind chatter that is part of our human experience. From this vantage point, we can become aware of any subconscious belief that limits us in our life, and we can experience what it would feel like to let it go.

What I’ve described is probably the biggest value of doing a past life regression, yet it isn’t what most people think of when they hear “past life regression”. The real value of it is that you get an experiential glimpse of a “truer” part of you that actually feels more awake, aware and wise than the conscious part of you. When you begin to live life from this aspect of yourself, you are “in the world, but not of the world,” and it is a freer way to live. Once you’ve experienced how to go within, it is possible to focus your mind and connect to this higher aspect of yourself on your own, with practice. And over time, the need to use self-hypnosis to “re-plug” into your soul aspect of self is no longer necessary and can be done anytime. It becomes a matter of which dimension of yourself you chose to identify with and interact in the world from.

New Perceptions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This blog, this website is dedicated to growth, healing, evolvement and awakening to what we actually are, and to what life actually is. In my experience, to the degree that I continue to grow in a clearer understanding of myself and life, I become freer from my own self-imposed limitations and fears. Many times these subtle beliefs aren’t even conscious. Carl Jung said that healing occurs when that which is unconscious is brought into the light of consciousness. This is what must happen if we are to grow. We must first become aware of the emotional cause of any inward disharmonies before letting it go.

Contentment and compassion are some natural by-products as we grow in wisdom and self-realization. We become aware experientially that these qualities are at our core, sometimes lying dormant. As we become a clearer body/mind vessel, contentment and compassion tend to shine through us. Also, it becomes easier to be fully present in the here and now with whatever is before you.

We don’t necessarily pick and choose our passions, we just notice ourselves being drawn by them. About 14 years ago, I noticed that a passion for self-growth and self-realization began to slowly burn in me. As I followed this passion, I was led to some wonderful teachers and pioneers in the areas of healing and wisdom. I, in turn, feel driven to pass on what I’ve learned to others. An image dropped into my head recently of humanity being on a giant, terraced mountain, with everyone on various levels of the mountain, each individual climbing towards the goal of deep peace and happiness at the top. We help some people up, and then we turn around and get help from others to climb to the next step higher. In many ways, it’s what we’re all doing here on this planet…helping each other learn, grow and evolve, with life itself being our greatest teacher. And those that have reached the top have a jolting message to everyone: “Actually, you are already what you’re seeking. It’s a perception shift away.”