Lessons Learned from 3,000 Regressions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

After guiding 3,000+ past life regressions over the past 15 years, I’ve noticed three common themes or soul lessons that often emerge during the latter part of the session when the earth life is over and is being reviewed from the vantage point of the soul. There is such wisdom in these lessons that I wanted to share them with you.

#1 Do not live from fears or guardedness. You will regret the times that you allowed fears to hold you back or limit your life expression in any way. A common example is withholding your expression of love by guarding your heart from emotional pain. Other regrets include choosing security over pursuing a passion, love or joy, whether it be marrying for status and money instead of love or holding back on following a dream. As Wayne Dyer once said, “Don’t die with your music still left in you.”

#2 Be more proactive in creating your life experience rather than simply reacting to what life gives you. I’ve heard many variations of this same missed opportunity. Unfortunately, we cannot get through life without loss or failure because they are built into the human experience as a means for us as souls to evaluate how the human part of us chooses to respond to challenges. Loss or failure can limit us or it can make us stronger and wiser with a richer life experience. When we glimpse behind the scenes and view life as a temporary role-play, however, losses and failure don’t paralyze us as much. In other words, as we become more awake to our permanent identity, we become freer.

#3 Be more fully and consciously present in each moment of life to experience more joy. It reminds me of Emily’s famous line in the play Our Town, “Is anyone really aware of life while they’re living it?” This is a theme that we all can relate to as we often go through life in our heads rather than appreciating the underlying love and beauty that is available in each instant, often only noticing it when it’s gone.

We can understand these lessons intellectually, but yet not fully feel and experience the truth of this wisdom. The value of past life regression is that it can allow us to integrate deeper soul truths at the level of the body and subconscious mind, thus helping us to more easily live from them in our daily lives. This is because towards the end of the session, the background noise of the thinking mind is silent and you are fully anchored in the here and now, which is actually a higher dimension of your being that is saturated in peace, love and clarity. You are more deeply connected to the soul part of you that is always ‘here’ and never goes away…not only throughout the years of your life as the body ages, but even long after the body is left behind.


A Spiritual Perspective About Societal Issues

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I appreciated this article that my friend Alan Pritz sent to me, which he posted on his own website. It reminds us of certain ancient Hindu teachings which point to a higher, cosmic perspective to explain the turmoil in the world today. It was a brief, articulate article that I wanted to share with you. For more information about Alan, visit his website awake-in-life.com. Please enjoy his words:

“With social unrest percolating at a furious, oft-fanatical bubble these days, many pause to reflect on what is happening, why, and their potential culpability in creating, or contributing to, the issue array confronting them. Let there be no mistake, there is always value in becoming aware of and correcting societal or global injustices, of exercising compassion in the face of distress, and of seeking to mitigate the suffering of others. Yet there are subtle forces at play that factor into these situations such that having a spiritual perspective about them may have tonic value.

Cosmic laws operate mathematically and over the long-rhythm continuum of time. These can’t and should not be ignored. Our planet goes through evolutionary cycles – called Yugas in Vedic terms – which correspond to stages of ascending or declining spiritual awareness. Currently we’re in the early phase of an ascending era called Dwapara Yuga otherwise known as the Age of Energy. Without going into extensive details, a global shift is occurring transitioning us from a period of gross materiality to one of increasingly refined awareness. Initially this involves gaining insight into ourselves and the universe from an energetic platform. As less-enlightened paradigms wrestle with newer ones upheaval arises. Of course, the ‘newer ones’ aren’t new at all, merely reflections of more sophisticated levels of reality. The fact that someone only knows basic math doesn’t preclude the existence of advanced calculus: The latter co-exists at a strata of greater understanding. On the world stage, diverse ideological streams roil as they converge. Again, conflict during such intermingling is virtually inevitable. Planetary equilibrium shall stabilize as higher awareness continues to manifest yet, in the interim, prayers and actions for peace are helpful and, mayhap, necessary. We each can contribute, even in small ways, so don’t discount the value of personal prayer and meditation for the greater good.

On another level, much necessary attention is being given to long-standing racial, ethnic, and gender-based disparities. Again, any effort at correcting injustice is meritorious. That said, those who strive to effect change by blaming or shaming others in more ‘privileged’ life stations fail to realize that the laws of karma have a pivotal role in creating both fortunate and unfortunate life circumstances, plus, draw souls to corresponding situations according to the subtle realities of karmic affinity. This is a hard pill to swallow for it represents the ultimate platform for personal responsibility: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” When confronted by adversity it is far easier to target society at large or those who are better off than it is to recognize the relevance of self-created karma. The truth is that each of us is responsible for our own lives and circumstances we’ve knowingly or unconsciously created. This is not meant to blame victims of dire straits nor hijack complex spiritual principles to buttress hard-hearted political agendas. Rather, I mention this solely to insert a necessary element of understanding: Cosmic laws factor into life scenarios. Those who may feel guilty for events or issues they had no hand in creating need to realize their existence is not a fault nor are they the problem. As Paramahansa Yogananda said, “Like attracts like. One’s karmic pattern draws him to incarnate in an advantaged or disadvantaged, good or evil, body and mentality, family, and environment that not only reflect the effects of one’s past actions, but provide the necessary challenges for learning from past errors.”

It does not behoove anyone to feel better or worse than another. We are all souls created equally in the image of God and each of us has the privilege to exercise free will in alignment with or in opposition to divine law. The former manifests good, the latter; its opposite. When confronted by difficulties seek not to blame but to correct. Express expansive perspectives that serve to heal not alienate. Understand that multiple, simultaneously-accurate viewpoints can exist in any given situation, pray for guidance, then act in alignment with Higher Wisdom. When in doubt be kind, not caustic, love; don’t lambaste. Striving for peace with violence in one’s heart or seeking justice while being unjust or hateful is hypocritical and anathema to idealistic outcomes. Start with yourself and work outwardly. As we correct ourselves we become increasingly powerful forces to help change and uplift others. As Mahatma Gandhi wisely said, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him…. We need not wait to see what others do.” Yes, healing planetary strife is needful yet, equally so, is the manner by which it is accomplished. Cultivating more enlightened societies or global order can’t be accomplished through repressive means or the exercise of ignorance masquerading as liberality. What we sow is what we get and it behooves us to act with kindness, clarity, and broad-spectrum discernment in order to reap a harvest worthy of nourishing ourselves and many generations to come.”

“Love is the Absence of Judgement”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

“Love is the Absence of Judgement” is one of my favorite quotes by the Dalai Lama. It reminds me of a similar quote by Adyashanti. It was something like, “A guidepost to how spiritually evolved you are is how you treat others who don’t support you or who you don’t agree with.” These quotes are certainly pertinent during these times of global strife.

Quotes can often be valuable and confirming messages that we receive at just the right time in our life to help us move forward with a renewed perspective.

Someone recently sent me a link to 202 inspirational and motivational quotes which were categorized into different topics. They were shared by a woman named Farnoosh Brock who created a blog she titled “Prolific Living”. I wanted to share the link to these quotes with you because many of them caused me to smile, nod my head and say “yes”! I’m sure you will find several which will move you similarly.

Please enjoy these 202 inspirational quotes!


A Stirring Near-Death Experience Discussion (audio)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dr. Eben Alexander is a neurosurgeon and the author of the book Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, in which he describes his 2008 near-death experience that radically changed his understanding and view of reality. He also wrote the book Map of Heaven. He explains how the current physical scientific model of consciousness, based upon the theory that consciousness begins and ends in the brain, is weak and cannot explain phenomena like telepathy, past life memories, near death experiences, remote viewing, etc. He says we are on the cusp of evolving into a newer and higher understanding of consciousness, and of who we are and why we’re here.

He is beautifully articulate in this interview about describing his own near death experience and also the evidence that points to our true identity as eternal beings that are intricately interwoven with each other like a tapestry, and that heaven really is here and now beneath the illusion of this human experience. He also discusses ways of connecting to one’s higher self through meditation. He says that when we know that we’re far more than this body and also the voice in our head, we can bring great gifts into our lives on earth and realize that we’re all participants in this grand awakening.

I’ll leave you with his words and his audio interview which is about 55 minutes long, and well worth the listen! Here is Eben….

“The most central message I bring through my presentations and books is the insurmountable power of unconditional love to change our world for the better. In spite of what many would point to as the darkness of our times, I remain optimistic that the way out of our troubles is always at hand.  Our beacon in these times, as during past challenges, is the great power of the human spirit to usher us into a far better and more harmonious world for all through love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and mercy. Unconditional love has infinite power to heal, whether one is talking about healing the individual, the soul group, ethnic populations, nations, all of humanity, all of life on earth, or beyond.

Please enjoy this audio interview that I provided for the Heaven on Earth telesummit I participated in earlier this year.

To all of you, my best personal wishes for love, peace and harmony – for all of this world!”

–Eben Alexander

Collecting Evidence of Reincarnation (video)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There is a continual growing number of posts on youtube these days that authenticate the doctrine of reincarnation. One of these, which I am sharing now, discusses the research behind children’s past life memories that can be factually verified. It was posted by Walter Semkiw, MD, whom I served with for three years as research co-chair on the board of directors for the former International Association of Regression Research and Therapies (IARRT), the original past life regression training and research organization.

Dr. Semkiw has now founded the Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit (iisis.net), dedicated to exploring the evidence of reincarnation. Walter writes, “Reincarnation evidence shows that religion, nationality, ethnic affiliation, gender and race can change from one incarnation to another…The knowledge that one can be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another could have prevented the Holocaust. Similarly, if Israelis knew they could be reborn as Palestinians, if Muslims knew they could be reborn as Christians or Jews, if Sunnis understood they could reincarnate as Shiites, conflicts and wars based on these cultural differences could end. This organization is dedicated to the positive social change that evidence of reincarnation can bring.”

Evidence of reincarnation offers a glimpse behind the scenes of these earth lives, and can potentially stop the hatred and violence between groups of people. After all, how can you harm someone who could possibly have been your beloved deceased grandmother? Or what if you knew that you might chose to incarnate into the very group of people you persecute for the sake of a soul lesson? It puts the focus back on the soul energy behind these life forms and the importance of finding a way to look beyond ideological differences. If reincarnation and the soul planning behind these lives were common knowledge, how much more harmonious life could be here on earth?

Please enjoy this 10-minute video!

The 4 Qualities of a Conscious Relationship

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I came across an article written by a Marriage and Family Therapist named Shelly Bullard. She articulated some helpful points about the nature and purpose of relationships, so I wanted to share it. In the past, relationships were more functional, and if love was expressed, that was icing on the cake. But as we evolve as humans, relationships can be used as an efficient means by which to grow and further evolve. As a soul, our deepest core of love yearns to be expressed and experienced, yet this can be challenging in long term relationships because our issues from our conditioning can block this expression. Therefore, relationships potentially create the perfect setting for each of us to clear our own programming and conditioning so our true essence of love can be experienced in the physical realm…and that is quite the reward. In fact, it has been said that this is one of the reasons for incarnating here. Please enjoy!

“We are approaching a period of time when relationships are ready to go through a major redesign. The current paradigm isn’t working. People are unsatisfied in love; people don’t know how to make relationships work.

And, believe it or not, this isn’t a bad thing. Because when systems break-down, that’s when they change. I believe that’s what’s happening in the area of intimate partnership. The break-down is forcing us to move towards conscious love.

So what exactly is a conscious relationship?

It’s a romantic relationship in which both partners feel committed to a sense of purpose, and that purpose is growth. Individual growth. Collective growth as a couple. Growth that makes the world a better place.

As of now, most people get into relationships to satisfy their own personal needs. This might work for a few years, but eventually the relationship fails us, and we end up unsatisfied as a result.

But when two people come together with the intention of growth, the relationship strives towards something much greater than gratification. The partnership becomes a journey of evolution, and the two individuals have an opportunity to expand more than they could alone. Deep satisfaction and long-term fulfillment arise as a result.

So if you’re someone who feels called to take your experience of romantic love to the next level, below are four qualities that characterize what being a conscious couple is all about. Welcome to the path of the conscious relationship. This is next-level love …

1. The conscious couple is not attached to the outcome of the relationship – growth comes first.

Not being attached to the outcome of the relationship does not mean you don’t care what happens! It also doesn’t mean that you don’t have fantasies about how the relationship will turn out.

What it means is: you’re more committed to the experience of growth than you are to making the relationship “work.”

The reality is, we’re here to grow. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When growth stops, we automatically feel like something’s gone wrong. Because it has. Without growth, we aren’t fulfilling our soul’s purpose.

Unfortunately, relationships today tend to stifle growth more than enhance it. This is one of the main reasons we’re failing at romantic love.

We want our partners to act in a certain way, we repress ourselves to please to others, and soon enough, we feel small, oppressed and puzzled about who we’ve become. This, inevitably, makes the relationship feel like a cage that we want to break out of. But the unfortunate truth is: we’ve caged ourselves.

The conscious couple values growth more than anything else because they know this is the secret to keeping the relationship alive. Even though growth is scary (because it takes us into the unknown), the couple is willing to strive towards expansion, even at the risk of out-growing the relationship. Because of this, the relationship maintains a natural feeling of aliveness, and love between the couple does, too.

2. Each person in the relationship is committed to owning their s#*t.

Conscious couples know that we all have wounds from the past, and they understand that these wounds will inevitably be triggered, especially in a relationship. In other words, they expect to feel abandoned, trapped, rejected, overlooked and any other shitty feeling that arises when we bond closely with another person.

Most of us still believe that relationships should only feel good, and when bad feelings surface, something has gone terribly wrong. What we fail to see in this situation is that these shitty feelings stem from our own faulty patterning! These issues are not caused by our partners; they’re caused by our beliefs.

The conscious couple is willing to look at their past and current issues in relationships because they know that by facing these beliefs systems, they can evolve into a new relationship-reality. Dysfunctional patterns will dissolve, but only when we take responsibility for them, first.

3. All feelings are welcome and no internal process is condemned.

In a conscious relationship, there’s room to feel anything. Not only that, there’s room to express those feelings and fantasies to your partner. This is edgy territory… it’s not easy to do. But it’s also one of the most healing things we can experience in a partnership

It’s rare to be completely honest about who you are, and to stretch yourself to let your partner do the same. You may not like what you hear; in fact, it may trigger the hell out of you. But you’re willing to be triggered if it means your partner can be authentic.

Like I already said, we’re used to molding and changing ourselves to please people we love because we don’t want them to stop loving us! This stifles the love out of our connections.

The only option is radical honesty: revealing parts of ourselves that are hard to share, and letting our partners do the same. This leads to feeling known, seen and truly understood — a combination that will automatically enhance your love.

4. The relationship is a place to practice love.

Love, ultimately, is a practice. A practice of acceptance, being present, forgiveness, and stretching your heart into vulnerable territories.

Sometimes we treat love like it’s a destination. We want that peak feeling all the time, and when it’s not there, we’re not satisfied with what the relationship has become. In my mind, this is missing the whole point of love.

Love is a journey and an exploration. It’s showing up for all varied nuances of your relationship and asking yourself, What would love do here?” The answer will be different every time, and because of this, you’ll get to grow in ways you never have before!

The conscious couple is fiercely committed to being the embodiment of love. And through their devotion and practice, love shows up in their lives and relationship in ways they would’ve never imagined before.”

A New Paradigm in Emotional Healing

Reading Time: 3 minutes

For awhile now, the approach to emotional healing has been to notice what the problem issue is, such as anxiety or depression, and then manage the symptoms the best you can with medications or coping skills. There is certainly a time and place for symptom management. However, as consciousness rises, a new perspective in healing is emerging which is to view the emotional symptoms as not something to fight against, but instead as something that is yearning for your full attention, because it is ready to be released from your body/mind system. And in so doing, you will also understand why it has been there, like a puzzle to solve.

A natural response to a triggered feeling, such as anger or fear, is to avoid it. However, when you give it your full presence, a type of alchemical reaction takes place. The feeling becomes reduced to a sensation in the body. As you become fully present with this sensation and allow your awareness to sink deeper into the heart of it, you shift from thinking mode to feeling mode. This means two things: 1) you no longer suffer because suffering is generated by the thinking mind, and 2) you become present-moment focused and able to access the subconscious mind. As a result, images or pictures can emerge that give clues as to what the triggered emotion relates to. And as you dive still further into the sensation, other feelings may emerge that underlie the triggered emotion. These are the layers of thoughts, feelings and beliefs that hold the triggered emotion in place. Ultimately, as you allow your consciousness to drop through the physical sensations of all the layers of emotion, you may eventually find your consciousness immersed in a vast nothingness. This usually marks the nearing of the end of the journey, because as you continue to focus intently on this nothingness and notice what’s deeper still, you begin to feel a very light, vast, expansive presence that you are not separate from. This is who you are at your core self…a boundless, infinite presence of oneness which is your deepest essence. In this bottom foundational layer, the words commonly used to describe it are “love, freedom, peace, joy, light, and expansiveness.” There is no longer emotion, but pure awareness, and you know and experience your true self to be this presence which underlies all feelings and limiting thoughts…exactly which people like Eckhart Tolle have been writing about! It’s also known as Source energy.

The result of steeping in this core Self is ultimate clarity. You fully see through all of the deep-seated negative, limiting feelings and beliefs that you have been operating from. An example might be “undeserving and unworthy of success and love”. These limiting feelings/beliefs are easily seen through as not having anything to do who you are, but rather they are seen for what they actually are…an untrue mind program that got passed down, usually through the generations like an unconscious virus. In that moment you know without a doubt that who and what you actually are goes far beyond any limiting thought or belief, thus these limiting beliefs begin to release their grip on your subconscious mind and your identity. Thus you awaken to your true self.

Lately I’ve been guiding many of these healing inner journeys to freedom as part of the Emotional Healing Session that I use. I first read about the process years ago in a book by Brandon Bays titled The Journey, a book well worth the read. I’ve since observed a number of practitioners who use variations of this healing process which essentially utilizes negative feelings as a portal to the profound peace that we all possess within ourselves. It’s been my experience that healing happens in layers, and each journey inward allows you to feel more peace, joy, clarity and freedom as the negative mind programs lose their grip on your subconscious mind and identity. Guiding people to fully experience their true, authentic Self is absolutely part of the new paradigm in emotional healing.

Living Through Our Beliefs (Video)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Bruce Lipton, Cell Biologist and author of Biology of Belief, shares an inspiring interview about the nature of our reality and the impact our thoughts have on our genes, as well as how perceptions become the chemistry of our body. I wanted to share this because his message is the heart of what my work is all about.

The video is put out by E-Motion Health, a team dedicated to raising human consciousness. In the video, Bruce gives a personal example which illustrates the main point in his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect.

“I tried for fifteen years to write the book, and every time I got halfway through the book, it would peter out and then I realized it was because my subconscious had a fear. At the time, I was a respected scientist and I thought, ‘If you write this book and you bring in consciousness and spirit into the book, all your colleagues are going to shun you.’

So my subconscious was doing me a favor, it said ‘You don’t want to do this, because this will invalidate you, like kill you,’ so my subconscious programming – working 95% of the day – would sabotage the writing.

What I ended up doing was changing the belief about that and then the book came out. It just flowed right out.”

Here is the 30 minute video. The interview begins a minute into it. Please enjoy!

An Extraordinary Near Death Experience Account (Video)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Man is a soul, and has a body. When he properly places his sense of identity, he leaves behind all compulsive patterns. So long as he remains confused in his ordinary state of spiritual amnesia, he will know the subtle fetters of environmental law.”               — Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

A friend of mine asked, “How does one get so much wisdom into 3 little sentences?” How true.

The above quote nicely ties into a Near Death Experience account by Jeff Olsen that is one of the best and most beautiful I have ever heard. He spoke at the International Association of Near Death Studies. His account begins at 3:15 during the video. Listening to the Q & A after his account presents many more insights and understandings of earth life and the spirit realm.

During his account, he mentions how clear it was at the time that this earth life is the “crazy, weird, foggy dream,” and what he experienced in the spiritual realm felt far more real. It illustrates how life is multi-dimensional, and that there is so much more going on beneath the surface and behind the scenes of this physical life. We truly are more than we think we are, and we are going through life in a sort of hypnotic dream-like state, which of course doesn’t feel dream-like until we wake up from it. Olsen stresses that we can choose how we want to experience this earth life by the manner in which we meet each moment and circumstance, especially how we respond to the inevitable adversity of human life. As we keep our minds on the bigger picture, we can tap into the gifts that are always available here and now, thereby limiting our suffering. Please enjoy this talk, and consider forwarding it to others. It can only improve the world!

What Must I Do To Awaken?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Sages will answer this question differently, such as “there’s nothing you can do to awaken” or “the ‘you’ that’s trying to awaken isn’t what awakens.” The following is an answer from Leonard Jacobson. Leonard is an awakened teacher who has been sharing his simple and direct way of awakening for the past 35 years. His book, Journey Into Now, is one of my favorites. Below is an answer that exemplifies much of the core of his teaching. Enjoy!


What must I do, what must happen, for me to AWAKEN and be free? How do I do this? Where is the moment from asleep to awake?


To live an awakened life requires a deep intention on your part to be present. Every moment you have the choice. Will you choose to be present with what is actually here now, or will you choose to be in the world of the thinking mind, which is an illusory world of thought, memory and imagination. The choice is yours. It is up to you and no one else. No guru can help you. Spiritual practices will ultimately fail. The present moment is always available. It never withdraws and it never gives up on you. It constantly re-presents itself to you. In truth it never goes away. But you have to choose it.

The more you choose Presence, the more grounded you will become in the truth and reality of the present moment. The more grounded you are in the truth and reality of the present moment, the more you will experience the sacred and the divine in those ordinary moments. If your commitment is to being present, then there will come a time when being present becomes your natural state. The present moment becomes your home and you will have short excursions into the world of the mind, but you never go so far into the mind that you will get lost.

Everything that occurs within the world of the mind is of the remembered past or imagined future. None of it is happening now. If you become identified with your thoughts, memories or imaginings, then you take yourself out of the present moment. You take yourself into an illusory world and deprive yourself of the true life, which can only be lived in this moment.

If there are any wounds or limiting patterns or beliefs from the past, which are preventing you from moving into the present moment, then they will begin to surface and it is up to you to bring them into the full light of consciousness, so that healing and release can occur within an environment of unconditional love and acceptance.

If you are still having difficulty choosing to be present, then we will have to examine more closely what your ego is up to. What is it so desperately trying to hold on to? What is it afraid of? What are its tricks and strategies to keep you in its world of the past and future? All of these things will have to be brought to the light of consciousness.

A complete absence of judgment is one of the principal keys to awakening. Examine judgment in your life. It can be very subtle.

You ask where is the moment from asleep to awake. There is only one possible answer. Here!!! Now!!! Where else can you awaken but here? And when, if not now?

Remember that in truth, there is nothing but the present moment. In truth, you can never be anywhere else. The experience of being somewhere other than in the present moment is nothing more than an illusion which is created when you enter the world of the mind, and become identified with the story that is unfolding there.

In a way, it is artificial to imagine that you can awaken in any kind of permanent way. Even permanence is an illusion. There is only NOW. And so the question that constantly arises is “Am I awake and fully present NOW? And of course, that question arises and is answered in perfect silence.

Awakening is the simplest thing in the world. It feels so much better to be present rather than in the world of the mind. The present moment is the doorway to God. The present moment IS God. Why doesn’t everyone choose it?