Sources of Inspiration
This human experience is about forgetfulness of who we are behind the scenes while we play out our role as a human being. We also lose focus of our larger purpose…to find a way to make life a rich, enjoyable experience for ourselves. Life becomes more enjoyable as we become more conscious that we are creating our experience with our subtle and often subconscious thoughts/feelings/beliefs. One of my favorite quotes is by David Schnarch, a marriage therapist: “Life has an eloquent way of holding our happiness hostage, and the price for ransom is our own growth and development.” Life goes so much smoother when we mine out the often unconscious sabotaging beliefs of unworthiness or “not good enough”, which, to varying degrees, comes with this human experience due to the illusion of separation. This separateness is a veil between us, our higher self and our connection to Source.
One of the biggest challenges in life is to find lasting happiness. Hint: It won’t be found outside of you because that will one day be lost. Look for that which never goes away…what part of you never goes away even after death? Can you ever really escape the light, energy and consciousness that you are? There is a part of you that is synonymous with peace, love and joy because you are interwoven with Source energy, and you can’t escape it…but it does get covered up in this human experience because our focus is continually on the material world that comes and goes and involves loss. Loss is built into this human experience to challenge ourselves to decide how we are going to respond to it.
Loss is difficult to experience. I had a girlfriend die of breast cancer years ago. My heart was very heavy for many, many months and I often cried. Tears would erupt like a volcano through me at unexpected times. An appropriate response to loss is to allow the sadness to move through you. Emotions, like everything else in the material world, come and go. It helped to deal with her loss when there was some awareness in the back of my mind that I could still connect to her spirit and her love. In fact, there were a couple of times when I experienced an even deeper connection with her love than when she was in her body because there were no longer any mind programs of the ego that had a sneaky way of limiting the experience of giving and receiving love.
I’d like to share something that helps me re-focus my attention to that which is eternal. One is a free daily reminder in the form of an email from Suzanne Giesemann. Suzanne Giesemann is a former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. These days she is an evidence-based medium and channels a group of beings known as Sanaya. Once a day I receive a short message of inspiration, wisdom and truth that helps me re-align to my higher self. Here is a sample of this wisdom:
“If you are stressing about something, then you are not trusting. You are neither trusting yourself or others, perhaps. It matters not the exact situation. Whatever the case, stress indicates that you are focusing fully on yourself in the role as a human being. Do you not remember that you are the Sea of Love from which the human arises? You must not remember, or you would not be experiencing stress. The soul has never forgotten what the human often forgets. The soul is the bridge between the human role and the Whole. Turn around. Trace your way back Home in your awareness to Pure Awareness, and you will remember that things fall into place when you bring the role into alignment with your True Self.”
If you would like to receive these free daily messages, here is a link to sign up.
Another reminder of Truth is through a weekly email from Beth Geer, a local pharmacist and author of the book, “Awakening To One Love: uncover the inner peace and joy hidden within you”. Her book is channeled from a higher source called Holy Spirit. She will send you free weekly channeled Miracle Minded Messages when you subscribe.
Until we become fully enlightened, it’s helpful to be reminded of our “more permanent” identity over and over again until the Truth of our eternal being is firmly entrenched in our awareness, thereby releasing the grip of many subtle fears that go along with this human experience.
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