Overcoming the Deep Grip of Shame
I’m sharing a case example of a client with her permission (I’ll call her Mary) because her experience involves a common human experience…shame. Mary was not even aware that she was carrying shame, and she didn’t come to her session with a clear issue to work on. She wanted to do a past life regression. It’s helpful with past life regressions to make a statement of intent for the inner journey, even if you don’t know what you want to work on. So in Mary’s case, her intent for the session was a good one given that she didn’t have an issue to work on. It was: “To become aware of patterns, behaviors and beliefs that are keeping me from growing, learning life lessons, and spiritual growth.”
During the regression to her past life, Mary saw herself as a young boy in his very early years growing up without a father. Then, around the age of 6, he also lost his mother. Living in a rural village, he was cared for only by various “volunteers” from the village who did it out of obligation, which he could sense. He never developed a strong bond with anyone and felt alone and isolated early on in life, feeling ashamed about not having a family like other kids. As the years passed, he grew into a quiet, gruff, lonely man who never had a relationship and whose only job was the monotonous, laborious job of clearing rocks from fields. His only entertainment was drinking in a pub, usually by himself, listening to the stories of other people’s lives. “There’s laughter and joy, but I don’t feel it. I wish I did. I feel sad when I leave the pub.” He lived alone, and then ultimately died alone.
After the life was over, after he moved into the higher consciousness of the soul realm, Mary remarked, “It was a sad, lonely, stuck life from the start, with too much shame to even seek help when I was young.” It was clearly evident how the early shame from not having a family expanded into a growing, dark cloud of isolation and loneliness that greatly impacted his view of himself and his experience of life. Mary then understood the lesson of that life: “To realize that I am worth being helped and saved, and it takes courage to take that step. I had to let go of the shame I held.” She then saw and felt the joy, peace, freedom, strength and empowerment that would have come, and does come, from releasing shame. After the regression experience was over, it became clear (as always) that she had received from her higher self/higher guidance precisely what she asked for in her statement of intent — shame was what she needed to release in her present life as well.
It might be more accurate to say that shame isn’t so much “released” as seen through and no longer believed, thus the energy of it dissipates. Shame is a deep-seated belief of lack about who you are…it cannot be easily released from the logical mind, so the antidote is to go to a higher level of consciousness, where it can be seen through. Albert Einstein suggested you cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it, but you can at a higher level. Shame does not make sense from the vantage point of the soul. So, in her session, while immersed in the higher dimension of her soul self, Mary experienced the expanded vibrations of her truer “unconditioned Self”, free of the programming and conditioning of her past life and also this present life that contributed to her shame, and therefore she experienced the freedom and clarity that comes from being harmoniously grounded in the truth of her real eternal Self.
Mary’s higher self had showed her that particular past life and its lessons so that she could apply it to this life. But sometimes releasing the sticky beliefs of shame can be a challenge back on earth, and this was the case with Mary. She reported that after the session, heavy, negative feelings began to surface which she soothed by eating sugary foods. I explained that when you are in a higher vibration state of the soul, you are in pure freedom, and freedom calls anything to the surface which is not free. So when you come back to your earth life, negative feelings, thoughts and beliefs such as shame can rise to the surface if and when they are ripe and ready to be released from your body/mind system. We carry much of this toxic thought-form energy in the cells of our body. Keep in mind that this negative thought-form energy often gets passed down through the generations like a virus, so when you heal it, you are also helping to clean up mass consciousness from many generations. It is interesting to note that those negative feelings and beliefs of shame are low vibration and they want to be fed low vibration food like processed sugar and fast food, etc. The energy of shame doesn’t quite like fresh pressed juice and smoothies nearly as much. A by-product of healing the unconscious shame patterns that have been passed down through the generations is that it feels so much easier and more natural to eat healthier.
I explained that the past life session was all about pointing out what she needed to do, because she asked for it in her statement of intent. So Mary came back when she was ready to begin the process of releasing the thought-form energy of negative feelings and beliefs from the traumas and challenging experiences from the early years of her present life. We released that limiting thought-form energy from the cells of her body and subconscious mind with the Emotional Healing session. What I’ve found is that a person usually needs between 1 and 3 sessions…each session is like releasing a layer…the biggest layer is always the first session, and then after that if necessary we can do a 90-minute reinforcing session after a few weeks or months, even over the phone if necessary.
In Mary’s case, she only needed one session to release a large layer of shame. A couple weeks after her present-life Emotional Healing session, Mary wrote to me that her session had been a profound cathartic healing, and she felt so much lighter. Some repressed negative emotions would occasionally arise, but they were not overwhelming or frightening and she was easily able to let them go as they came up. Her chiropractor was even amazed saying that her body was checking completely different after her session.
This is a common example of how a past life regression and the Emotional Healing session can work powerfully and effectively together to help a person leap forward in their personal and spiritual evolution. The emotional healing session may sound scary and difficult because, after all, who wants to look at a swamp of negative feelings? But what keeps it stuck is subtly avoiding it, and the keys to release it involve giving it your full attention for a few minutes in a safe space. Then you will feel much lighter after the session. It is very rewarding. People tend to see, feel and experience noticeable results after each session.
I am reminded of Paramahansa Yogananda’s quote: “As you heal yourself, you do your part in healing the world.” Everyone benefits from your healing…from loved ones to strangers to even your ancestral generational line. You will also find it easier to love people, especially those close to you, because the repressed emotions within you which they previously triggered have now been dissipated. And you will experience that this is a much more free and harmonious way to live!
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