My Stroke of Insight…an amazing TED talk!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I’m sharing this fascinating description of a neuro-scientist who felt her brain shut down during a stroke. She was more fascinated than panicked. Even though she spent eight years recovering, she’s grateful for the stroke. As a consequence, came to a new understanding of reality that is in line with what spiritually awakened teachers have been talking about. Below is a description of the TED talk. Please enjoy!

Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened — as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding — she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.

Using Past Life Therapy to ‘De-Hypnotize’ Yourself

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Past life regression is one of the most potent ways to connect to the higher, wiser part of yourself in order to resolve issues or move through stuck periods in your life. We become so focused on the worries and stress of life that we rarely connect with the quiet, still witness behind the worries. We become hypnotized into identifying with the continual swirl of thoughts in our mind, rather than on the deep presence that can observe those thoughts. During a past life regression, you become that presence. Then the Buddha’s words become clearer, “All suffering is due to wrong identification.”

It is natural to be skeptical about past life regression when viewed from an ordinary ego-identified level of consciousness. Yet what is often overlooked in nearly every moment of daily living is that ‘you’ are the energy and consciousness that animates the body, and as such, that ‘you’ is eternal and indestructible. For most people, that truth may remain only as an intellectual concept until they die. So if an aspect of yourself is infinite now, then it makes sense that you can begin to ‘tune into’ or resonate with that ‘truer’ self. It’s simply a matter of identifying more with the part of you which is the constant, nonfluctuating self. An effective way to access that ‘self’ is to go within, closing off the relative world of time and matter. This leads to becoming focused in the present moment.  Hypnosis provides a quick and powerful means to accomplish this because it deeply relaxes the body and quiets the mind. It uses your mind’s powerful ability to do this. A gulf begins to grow between the peaceful presence/awareness of ‘you’ and your thoughts. It becomes easier to identify yourself as the awake and aware ‘witness’ of your thoughts rather than being sucked into your incessant mind chatter. In this state of stillness, you can set the intention to see other lives you have experienced.

Past life regression sheds light on your soul’s intention of using your life for growth and evolution. Here’s how it works: As you surrender to whatever your unconscious mind reveals, an impression of another lifetime will emerge. It’s important to trust the process and permit the story to develop. It will ultimately reveal something profoundly beneficial for you. If you try in any way to consciously direct the images that come, it will block the process. Typically a previous life will mirror a deep issue that you’re dealing with in this life, even unconsciously. These mental impressions can be interpreted either as a past life or a symbolic metaphor, like a dream image. After the death scene, you can reflect on how you lived that life from the viewpoint of the eternal soul aspect of yourself. Often the strongest healing part of the session comes when you experience the deep peace, freedom and insights after the human drama. You gain a sense of how you wish you had gone through that life. Perhaps you lived it governed by small fears that held you back in various ways. From the perspective of ‘now time’, outside of time/space, you can ‘re-script’ that life by making different decisions about how you would have wanted to live that life, much like lucid dreaming. You can create a life where you consciously allow the freedom, appreciation, joy and love of your soul self to shine through, unimpeded by subtle, fear-based mind programs and conditioning that are common in the human experience. You not only create that empowered life but feel in your body and mind what it’s like to live in this awakened manner.

At times your higher mind will show you a past life that you’ve lived with wisdom and strength if your current life lacks these qualities. You’ll be given that life to see so you can merge the powerful love-based qualities of that life with your current one. It all comes from an elevated level of consciousness that corresponds with ‘tuning into’ a higher dimension/vibration aspect of yourself, namely the part that is animating you right now.

A recent, typical example was a woman who struggled with anxiety. She experienced her past life as a woman of high status, forced to keep up appearances in an uptight, rigid society. She was afraid to express her true feelings while trying to please others. Her deep concern over other’s opinions held her back from fully living life, which caused her to feel alone. She was then shown a second life as a woman living in a poor village who was deeply connected to the entire community. During harvest time, everyone worked together, forming genuine bonds without any pretenses. She felt what it was like to be her true self without concern of appearances, and felt the exhilaration of experiencing authentic human relationships. In the time between lives, she could see how the first life mirrored her current life, while the second life revealed a way to live in which fears were replaced with the excitement and freedom of forming heartfelt connections with others. She saw that she had a choice about which way she was going to live this life, and how, up until now, she had been living a fear-based life, overly concerned with other’s opinions. Thus, at a subconscious level, she was able to shift the perspective that held her back in life. Past life regression not only reveals a person’s soul lesson, but also allows them to fully feel what it’s like to ‘get’ that lesson and live without the subtle fears that block them. Because this all occurs at the subconscious level, it has a subtle, yet powerful effect. It’s not uncommon to experience noticeable results in only one session.

We are multi-dimensional beings. We have a body, yet at a deeper level of relative truth, we are also the soul essence that animates our body. At the deepest, ultimate level of truth, we all come from the one energy source that animates all life, and from which souls emerge. As humans, we live life as unique, individual ocean waves that forgot that our true essence is the ocean itself. Past life regression is an inward route to gain an experiential glimpse of these deeper levels of your being with heightened clarity. Life trials come and go, and so do lifetimes, but what remains? You do. Past life therapy tunes you into this constant aware presence of ‘you’ that transcends all earthly dramas.

What is a Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression Workshop Opportunity

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I’m excited to offer a past life regression workshop that explores how to awaken from the very real dream of ego identification, or body/mind consciousness, to a higher aspect of yourself. It will serve to deepen your personal and spiritual growth. My goal is to create an opportunity for you to not only understand, but experience the evidence that you are an eternal, indestructible divine being with far more potential than your thinking mind will allow you to believe.

The workshop will be on Saturday, March 23rd from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. in the Carondelet Center next to St. Catherine University in St. Paul. The cost is $100. Snacks and beverages will be provided.

First, I’ll share some personal stories that propelled me into past life regression work. Then we’ll explore the evidence of reincarnation with several fascinating case studies. Next, I’ll share the healing power of past life regression with various consciousness-expanding case studies which demonstrate how we can go within to get what we need and connect to our higher guidance. We’ll discuss information and research about the afterlife, and I’ll also share some Life-Between-Lives cases to give understanding about our soul’s journey and experience on the path of awakening to our Higher Self. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions and comments. Finally, I’ll be facilitating a group-guided past life regression journey and then we’ll process experiences afterwards with those who wish to share. It will be a fun, relaxing time to commune with like-minded people to support your soul’s expansion.

To reserve your space or for more details, email me at or call me at 651-649-1952 (this is a land line, please don’t text.)

I look forward to having you there as part of a consciousness-expanding group!

Sources of Inspiration

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This human experience is about forgetfulness of who we are behind the scenes while we play out our role as a human being. We also lose focus of our larger purpose…to find a way to make life a rich, enjoyable experience for ourselves. Life becomes more enjoyable as we become more conscious that we are creating our experience with our subtle and often subconscious thoughts/feelings/beliefs. One of my favorite quotes is by David Schnarch, a marriage therapist: “Life has an eloquent way of holding our happiness hostage, and the price for ransom is our own growth and development.” Life goes so much smoother when we mine out the often unconscious sabotaging beliefs of unworthiness or “not good enough”, which, to varying degrees, comes with this human experience due to the illusion of separation. This separateness is a veil between us, our higher self and our connection to Source.

One of the biggest challenges in life is to find lasting happiness. Hint: It won’t be found outside of you because that will one day be lost. Look for that which never goes away…what part of you never goes away even after death? Can you ever really escape the light, energy and consciousness that you are? There is a part of you that is synonymous with peace, love and joy because you are interwoven with Source energy, and you can’t escape it…but it does get covered up in this human experience because our focus is continually on the material world that comes and goes and involves loss. Loss is built into this human experience to challenge ourselves to decide how we are going to respond to it.

Loss is difficult to experience. I had a girlfriend die of breast cancer years ago. My heart was very heavy for many, many months and I often cried. Tears would erupt like a volcano through me at unexpected times. An appropriate response to loss is to allow the sadness to move through you. Emotions, like everything else in the material world, come and go. It helped to deal with her loss when there was some awareness in the back of my mind that I could still connect to her spirit and her love. In fact, there were a couple of times when I experienced an even deeper connection with her love than when she was in her body because there were no longer any mind programs of the ego that had a sneaky way of limiting the experience of giving and receiving love.

I’d like to share something that helps me re-focus my attention to that which is eternal. One is a free daily reminder in the form of an email from Suzanne Giesemann. Suzanne Giesemann is a former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. These days she is an evidence-based medium and channels a group of beings known as Sanaya. Once a day I receive a short message of inspiration, wisdom and truth that helps me re-align to my higher self. Here is a sample of this wisdom:

“If you are stressing about something, then you are not trusting.  You are neither trusting yourself or others, perhaps.  It matters not the exact situation.  Whatever the case, stress indicates that you are focusing fully on yourself in the role as a human being.  Do you not remember that you are the Sea of Love from which the human arises?  You must not remember, or you would not be experiencing stress.  The soul has never forgotten what the human often forgets.  The soul is the bridge between the human role and the Whole.  Turn around.  Trace your way back Home in your awareness to Pure Awareness, and you will remember that things fall into place when you bring the role into alignment with your True Self.”

If you would like to receive these free daily messages, here is a link to sign up.

Another reminder of Truth is through a weekly email from Beth Geer, a local pharmacist and author of the book, Awakening To One Love: uncover the inner peace and joy hidden within you. Her book is channeled from a higher source called Holy Spirit. She will send you free weekly channeled Miracle Minded Messages when you subscribe.

Until we become fully enlightened, it’s helpful to be reminded of  our “more permanent” identity over and over again until the Truth of our eternal being is firmly entrenched in our awareness, thereby releasing the grip of many subtle fears that go along with this human experience.

Becoming Who We Already Are

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In a recent Edge Magazine, their theme of the month was “How to Awaken to Our Divinity”. Below is the article I wrote that offers a practical approach that many have found helpful. Please enjoy!

“We are on a journey to become what we already are.” These are the words of the modern and local sage, Leonard Jacobson. Another modern sage, Adyashanti, put it another way: “Enlightenment is really just a radical shift in identity.”

We are multi-dimensional beings. We are souls that use and identify as specific bodies. As souls, we all come from the same energy source. At the highest level of our being, there is only Oneness. Hence the teaching of sages is non-dualism.

Those who have spiritually awakened know at the core of their being, without any doubt, that the consciousness that animates them is the same consciousness that animates you, or a cat or a tree. They identify with that consciousness more than they identify with their bodies and the ego mind chatter that goes with it.

The tricky part, however, is that this Truth can only be realized and known without the analytical thinking mind. It is an experience, a knowing that comes only in the present moment when there is a gap between the incessant chatter of the thinking mind, and/or you are identified as the calm, still observer of your thoughts.

The thinking mind is the tool that we as humans use to function in our present reality, but it also keeps us identified with our body. Although our thinking mind is very helpful to live this earth life, it does nothing but hold us back if we decide we want to discover the truth of who we are. That is why people use meditation to quiet the thinking mind. Many health benefits have been measured by quieting the thinking mind….what the Buddha called the source of our suffering.

When you are fully present with a flower, a sunset, a lover, a latte, a pet…there is nothing wrong in that moment. Only when the mind pulls you into the past or the future with worries and concerns, or arguments about how the moment should be different than what it already is, only then is suffering generated. Thus another modern Australian sage nicknamed Sailor Bob said, “What’s wrong with this moment, unless you think about it?”

Yet another present day sage, Byron Katie, says when you go to war with “what is”, you’ll lose every time. If things should be different than what they are, they already would be. This doesn’t mean we can’t change the world or our lives for the better, but change it while anchored in the peace and love of Oneness consciousness, or Christ consciousness, and you’ll notice much more effective results.

Not many people realize that hypnosis can be used as a short-cut to enter a profound state of meditation to quiet the thinking mind, and thus anchor yourself deeply in the present moment. Applying hypnosis to go on an inner spiritual journey, such as with past life regression and life-between-lives, is probably the fastest, most effective way for the average person to tune into and identify with the higher dimensions of themselves, partly because it cannot happen unless you are deeply anchored in the present moment and the brain wave activity has slowed down from beta to alpha and then theta and even delta.

In past life regression, once the thinking mind is quiet, you consciously dis-identify from your present body/mind system and assume a different body/mind…one that drops into you only in the present moment from your subconscious mind. You are shown a life that could be either challenging, amazing, or boring, but it will automatically by default be something that can help you grow and evolve as a soul either by healing an unresolved trauma or by learning and applying wisdom gained from the past life experience.

Eventually the past life comes to an end and you identify with your soul. Thus you are no longer identified with neither your present nor past life self in that moment, but rather the soul consciousness that animates all the lives you’ve lived. During a Life-Between-Lives spiritual journey, you go deeper into the spirit realm, deeper into the present moment and deeper into a higher dimension of yourself…all of these are synonymous.

It is no wonder that as people go further and deeper on their soul’s journey during a Life-Between-Lives session, they feel lighter, freer, and no longer separate from the joy, peace, love and security that the ego personality has long been seeking outside of itself. And as they keep going, they inevitably feel a sense of  “home”,and a stronger interconnection with life. “Home” is a place deep within themselves. No incessant mind chatter is noticed…that part of you becomes silent when tuned into the higher dimensions. In fact, it feels as if it would take effort to apply the thinking mind. All information drops into you as a download of combined thoughts, feelings and senses in the moment.

If you want to experience who you really are, try going on a deep inner journey within yourself to re-identify with the higher aspects of your being. After all, you couldn’t separate yourself from that part of you if you tried…it simply gets covered up in this human experience.    

Measuring Your Spiritual Growth

Reading Time: 3 minutesOne of my favorite Spiritual teachers is Adyashanti. He said a measure of how advanced you are on your spiritual journey, or your level of spiritual “awakeness”, is how you treat others that don’t agree with you – especially spiritually or politically. Do you overtly or silently judge them? Or do you allow other people to have their own beliefs and opinions with the understanding that everyone is on their own soul journey of growth and development?

God/Source/Life is a large enough container for all beliefs…and we are a microcosm of that Source. As humans, we are meant to carve out our experience with our own learned perspectives and beliefs, and hopefully they change, evolve and expand over time if we allow ourselves to be open, curious and driven to grow. It is natural for us to do so. The human ego self has its own personality, quirks and beliefs. But simultaneously, there’s a part of you that does not change…a part of you that is in the eternal now because it is the Eternal Now. We are multi-dimensional. Which part of you are you going to identify with? Spiritual awakening is about identifying more with the higher, more permanent part of you that is ok with all beliefs. It doesn’t mean that your ego self doesn’t have its opinions and may even feel drawn to go to an anti-Trump or a pro-Trump rally. But while you do that, can you do it with the awareness of Oneness, rather than “us vs them” mentality? If you can, you’ll find that your efforts yield better results than if you simply contribute to the ongoing dance of polarity.

The higher consciousness of The Collective (see August’s Blog for an introduction to The Collective) explains that we are in the 3rd dimension, moving towards the 5th. The 3rd Dimension is a lower vibration frequency of duality and contrasts…good/bad, black/white, happy/sad, love/loss, love/fear, ignorance/wisdom, restlessness/peace, acceptance/judgment, right/wrong, right/left, etc. It is a plane of existence to provide contrasts for us to decide who we want to be and what we want to create in this place of polarity and contrasts. Earth is a spiritual playground of role plays that appear very real for the purpose of challenging ourselves to decide and create who we choose to be…do you wish to be a person who operates primarily from love or fear? You’ll create or burn karma depending on how you respond in this plane of contrasts.

The 5th Dimension, on the other hand, is a higher frequency plane with fewer contrasts. There is a natural letting go of the judgments of right and wrong, being replaced with an understanding that people either operate with a clear sensing/knowing of their Oneness/Source nature or else they operate with ignorance of that Truth. When you are aware of your own divinity and connection to all life, you are aware that what you do to another you actually do to yourself, and there will be a natural love, compassion and acceptance that replaces all judgment. Compassion and an explainable love for others (even those who are very different than you in beliefs or culturally) is simply a by-product of spiritually awakening. You don’t have to try to cultivate it, it simply is natural when you begin to identify your self with your Higher Self that has Oneness consciousness.

The 5th Dimension is more about moving towards what you want, what sparks your passion and enthusiasm, with an acceptance that others don’t have to want what you want. When you operate with Christ consciousness or Oneness consciousness, your passions naturally tend to be less self-serving and more others-serving or life-serving.

In closing, here are some inspiring words from The Collective: “When you incarnated, your intention was to bring the greatest measure of your divinity to your experience as a human, to recognize what you are while in this dense physical dimension of forgetfulness. Always increase your recognition of what you are capable of as divine beings. Dwell in a lower frequency while mastering living as the divine Being and master Creator that you are.”

May we recognize this challenging life as a role play to help us grow and evolve in awareness of our true divine nature.

Accessing Your Higher Guidance With Past Life Regression

Reading Time: 2 minutesPast Life Regression would probably be better understood if we changed the name to “Higher Self Therapy” because as you go within, the process consistently gives you precisely what you need to help you move forward in the way that you most need, especially if you ask for it.  The following case study is a perfect example of how past life regression can work. The name of my client is changed.

Mary, a woman nearing 60, had tears in her eyes as we talked about the passing of her mother just prior to her past life regression. “I just need to know if my mom really loved me,” she cried. Although she may have intellectually understood that her mother probably loved her, there were no words that could reassure her at a deeper level because her subconscious mind didn’t fully believe it because of a hurtful growing up experience of feeling rejected and neglected. Fortunately, past life regression connects a person to their higher self, and this part of her knew exactly what she needed in the session.

Mary saw a past life of a happily married, wealthy woman with several children. “Home feels good…there’s nothing to want for.” But a few years later, her 9-year old daughter suddenly died. She was too grief-stricken to nurture her other children. “It feels like part of me is gone…the other children need me but I can’t be there all the way. I never got over the loss of my daughter.” In the soul realm after the past life was over, she said, “I couldn’t give my children what they needed…the love was there but couldn’t be expressed.” Then the insight began to sink in that Mary’s mother in this life was carrying so much pain from her own past that she couldn’t express the love for her children that had always been there underneath the many stressors of her life.

A week after the session Mary wrote, “It’s the most unusual thing, as a result of my past life regression, I know my mother loves me. It always felt that she didn’t love me because I thought she saw something in me that was not lovable, not worthy of love…I was given a gift from my higher self. It’s a gift of knowing I was loved by my mom. Up until now, I was unable to “know” this deep down. Knowing is the only word I can think of to use, yet it doesn’t feel like the same knowing as in everyday terms. I am so grateful. This is a gift more valuable than any gift.”

Past life regression is an effective means to help you understand and know at a deep core level the truth of your value and worth, as well as helping you to become more acutely aware of the love within a family that is always there beneath the hurts and misunderstandings. This is because the process bypasses the intellectual mind and trumps the subconscious mind’s beliefs of unworthiness which are based in life’s hurtful experiences. The process connects you to a higher soul dimension of yourself that not only is based in love, but can also see through the subconscious mind’s programming and conditioning from the earth life. You begin to understand and experience your wholeness and completeness beneath the ego mind’s negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs that arise as the result of early challenging circumstances in earth life.

Uncovering and Healing the Roots of Anxiety and Depression

Reading Time: 4 minutesI recently wrote an article for the Edge Magazine. It’s relevant these days as many people’s subconscious issues are coming to the surface while the consciousness of the planet shifts and raises. This happens for the purpose of releasing what no longer serves you from your body/mind system and integrating the learning of it into the fullness of your being. Freedom calls anything to the surface that is not free. Please enjoy these words:

Anxiety and depression can be physiologically, spiritually and/or mental/emotionally based. But since the body, mind and soul are all interconnected, they overlap. Often anxiety or depression has to do with the past affecting you, and this can be uncovered and healed because you are far more than your past. If we put anxiety and depression under a microscope, we see that it is typically made up of a myriad of negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs that began somewhere in the past, occasionally even a past life. The good news is that although the past can have a strong grip on you, it no longer exists except as a memory, which is a combination of thoughts, feelings and corresponding beliefs that get formed, otherwise known as “thought-form energy”. Yet there is a larger, higher, “more real” part of you that transcends the thought-form energy from the past. When you connect to that part, you can uncover and release the roots of the past that limit you.

Einstein said that you can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created the problem, but you can at a higher level. Your soul isn’t anxious or depressed — and you are that soul more than you are the ego personality that is anxious and depressed — because one part of you lives on, the other doesn’t. In fact, you couldn’t escape that whole, complete part of you if you tried, it just gets covered up with false beliefs from the human experience. Using hypnotherapy, you can connect to and identify with your wiser soul self that is forever anchored in the here and now, and that part of you can help heal your ego-based body/mind self. You then experience what the Buddha meant when he said the thinking mind is the source of all suffering.

Here are some examples: A woman (I’ll call her Linda) came to me recently feeling very depressed. Underneath her depression were feelings and beliefs of shame, unworthiness, and “not good enough” due to growing up with abuse and neglect. These heavy feelings made life feel as if she was trying to run a marathon with armor on. Using hypnotherapy, she envisioned her consciousness moving up above her body, above and beyond the earth, and into Source energy where she melted into it and felt and compared various qualities of Source such as peace, joy, love and security. This can only be done if you’re not in your thinking mind. From this highest dimension of your being, there is a knowing that nothing in the Universe can harm you, and it is a perfect place to heal the ego part of you that feels stuck.

From this high vantage point, feeling connected to Source, Linda looked down at a timeline of her life — specifically above the 2-month old version of herself. I asked, “Should your infant self, like all infants, ideally be made to feel loved, wanted, valued, safe and secure?” “Is your infant self worthy of love?” The truth is yes, all infants are worthy of love, so it became evident to Linda that unworthiness is not inherent to her being. Shame and unworthiness are messages that feel true, but are not, and Linda could see that she picked up these perspectives early on from her parents. Since it didn’t belong to her, she envisioned and actually felt that heavy thought form energy going back to her parents, who in turn passed it down to where they got it from, their parents, and then down through the generations and into a fire pit to be incinerated into Source energy. She then got back the part of her that was lost when took on the feelings of “not good enough”, feeling the sensations of love, empowerment and joy come back to her. She then sent this energy down to her 5-year old self, Jr. High self, and all the other times that she needed it in her life. Four weeks later, Linda emailed me to say that she felt as if a huge weight had been lifted since the session, and that she had propelled far onto her path of growth and healing.

In another example, a man with high anxiety did a past life regression and saw himself as a young Viking whose beloved grandfather was murdered by a group of three men. He was consumed with anger, hatred and revenge, and he died with this rage. These heavy feelings kept a sliver of his soul consciousness stuck around the earth plane, unable to move up into the higher realms after death. We did a soul retrieval and thus healed and re-integrated this lost soul aspect of himself. Six weeks later he reported that since the session he felt much less anxious, and things which would previously cause him much stress and worry no longer affected him.

It is indeed profound and helpful to connect to a higher part of yourself that already is whole and complete, that you can never really escape from, in order to heal the part of you that feels stuck. Then it becomes clear that happiness is actually a perception shift away.

Introducing The Collective

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn the past 16 years of facilitating past life regressions, I’ve experienced many fascinating cases, far too many to count. However, there are a few sessions that continue to stand out. Two years ago, a woman named Kelly came to do a past life regression. Even though it was very strange and new territory for her, she felt intuitively drawn to experience a past life regression. Recently, she encouraged me to share her story because of the far-reaching impact of that session.

Her journey began during the part of the session when the past life is over and the soul goes into the soul realm. Kelly began speaking in a male voice. This voice imparted wisdom and information about the many changes happening on our planet today. When the session was over, I told Kelly, “You were channeling.”

She replied, “What’s that?” Metaphysics was new to her. In fact, she had only recently been a committed Christian teaching adult bible study in a local church. Curious, she began to study some well known people who channel spiritual beings, such as Lee Carroll, Ester Hicks and Jane Roberts.

Not long after the session, Kelly and her husband Rick travelled to Sedona. While there, on three separate occasions, each psychic told her pretty much the same thing: “Do you know that you are a channel for a collective of star nations?” After the third time she heard that, Kelly, still a bit skeptical, said, “I need some confirmation of that.” The third psychic said that she would soon receive that confirmation on her way home.

Driving to the airport, Kelly was startled to see a UFO in front of their car keeping pace with them. She screamed, “Rick! Do you see that UFO?” He could not. She witnessed several UFO’s the next few days near her home in Wisconsin while no one else could. She was concerned she might be going a bit crazy until two weeks later when Rick also began seeing them. In fact, they would sit outside on their lawn chairs together and watch UFO’s, noticing that no one else could see them.

Even though Kelly continued to receive messages from the discarnate beings wanting to speak through her, she still felt uncomfortable, as anyone would. She wanted to see them and talk with them directly to get further proof before she agreed to channel their messages. They suggested that she come to see me again for a Life-Between-Lives session. That was just over a year ago. At that session, Kelly not only saw them but communicated with them directly, receiving the confirmation she was looking for. During that session, the beings (whom Kelly named The Collective) began talking to me. They told me I would soon speak to various organizations. I thought to myself, “That would be nice since it’s been over two years since I spoke to a group.” Within two weeks, I had invitations to speak to four different organizations.

After that confirmation, I became more interested in the wisdom and advice The Collective wants to share with humanity as we go through the many transformative changes on this planet. One of the messages they share is that we need to raise our vibration by identifying ourselves as the divine beings we are rather than believing any thoughts of “not good enough” from our human experience.

Since Kelly’s last session on July 3, 2017, she has begun channeling messages from The Collective regularly. She and Rick have made several trips to the Twin Cities from their home in Appleton, Wisconsin to channel The Collective’s messages for interested groups, the next one being September 15th at the DoubleTree in Minneapolis. The messages have been mind-expansive, providing a clearer view of a larger reality beyond this physical realm of earth. The Collective can also answer any question you may have regarding earth changes, the spirit realm, personal issues, or anything you can think of. They describe themselves as a collection of beings from the 5th dimension to the twelfth and beyond, some of them arch-angels.

The consciousness expansion that comes once you embark on the spiritual path never ends. Not only do you accumulate more wisdom, but also many experiences that often lie beyond your previous belief system.

For more information about Kelly’s channeled messages, visit And a favorite message of mine from The Collective is called, “Relationships – Why Are They So Challenging?

Going Within to Get Precisely What You Need

Reading Time: 2 minutesOne of the themes of my work is: “As you go within, you get what you need”…especially to the degree that you are wanting, needing and asking for it. This happens because the wiser soul part of you already has what the ego mind personality is looking for. And one could say that it is “more true” that you are that wise soul self more than you are the ego body/mind system, because one aspect of you lives on, the other doesn’t.

I’m sharing a case study that perfectly exemplifies “going within to get what you need”. I changed the client’s name for confidentiality.

Cynthia, a woman nearing 60, had tears in her eyes as we talked about the passing of her mother just prior to her past life regression. “I just need to know if my mom really loved me,” she cried. Although she may have intellectually understood that her mother probably loved her, there were no words that could reassure her at a deeper level because her subconscious mind didn’t fully believe it because of a hurtful growing up experience of feeling rejected and neglected. Fortunately, past life regression connects a person to their Higher Self, and this part of her knew exactly what she needed in the session.

Cynthia saw a past life of a happily married, wealthy woman with several children. “Home feels good…there’s nothing to want for.” But a few years later, her 9-year old daughter suddenly died. She was too grief-stricken to nurture her other children. “It feels like part of me is gone…the other children need me, but I can’t be there all the way. I never got over the loss of my daughter.” In the soul realm she said, “I couldn’t give my children what they needed…the love was there but couldn’t be expressed.” Then the insight began to sink in that Mary’s mother in this life was carrying so much pain from her own past that she couldn’t express the love for her children that had always been there underneath the many stressors of her life.

A week after the session Cynthia wrote, “It’s the most unusual thing, as a result of my past life regression, I know my mother loves me. It always felt that she didn’t love me because I thought she saw something in me that was not lovable, not worthy of love…I was given a gift from my Higher Self. It’s a gift of knowing I was loved by my mom. I was unable to “know” this deep down. “Knowing” is the only word I can think of to use, yet it doesn’t feel like the same knowing as in everyday terms. I am so grateful. This is a gift more valuable than any gift.”

Past life regression is an effective means to help you understand and know beyond a doubt at a deep, core level the truth of your value and worth. It also allows you to become more acutely aware of the love within a family that is always there beneath the hurts, misunderstandings and lack of communication. This is because the process bypasses the intellectual mind and trumps the subconscious mind’s beliefs of unworthiness which are based in life’s hurtful experiences. The process connects you to a higher vibration soul dimension of yourself that not only is based in love, but can also see through the subconscious mind’s programming and conditioning from the earth life.